Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Update Series Release Notes

ProcedureTo Provision a User

  1. Login to Identity Manager as Administrator or Configurator.

  2. Navigate to Accounts tab.

  3. To create a new user, select New User from New Actions, in the User List inside List Accounts.

    The Create User page appears. Do not save the page till you complete the below steps. If you save before you complete all the steps, you need to edit the user details by selecting the user from under the User List inside List Accounts in the Accounts tab.

    1. Provide the user details.

    2. Navigate to the Resources tab.

    3. Add WebSpace Portal to the Current Resources.

      The page gets refreshed, and the Create User page is appended with a new page named Webspace Portal.

    4. Navigate to the Webspace Portal tab, and fill blanks fields to complete user details.

  4. Click Save, the user is created on both Identity Manager and Web Space Server.

    All the data provided during creating a user in the Identity Manager is reflected for a user in Web Space Server under My Account. The Identity Manager displays only the first screen details of the user.