Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.11 Configuration File Reference


The content-rewrite function rewrites the string in the document that is being sent to the client.

When a document is sent by the proxy server, the content-rewrite function is invoked if it has been configured and would replace the from string/url to destination string/url before sending the response to the client.

The patterns are strings that would be replaced in the outgoing document. The pattern can be either a URL with absolute or relative links, or any text string such as the server name and the like.


Output fn="insert-filter" filter="content-rewrite" type="text/html" 
	from="<sourcepattern>" to="<destpattern>"


The following table describes the parameter for the content-rewrite function.

Table 5–97 content-rewrite Parameters




Specifies the name of the filter to be executed. 


Indicates the content-type on which this filter is applied, for example, text, html, and so on. 


Output fn="insert-filter" type="text/*" filter="content-rewrite" 
	from="iPlanet"  to="Sun ONE (now called) Sun Java System Web Server"