Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.11 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in Output-class directives.

The insert-filter SAF is used to add the content rewriting engine to the filter stack to process outgoing server-to-client data.

This directive should appear in the http://.* and https://.* objects inside of the obj.conf file.

The insert-filter SAF will result in rewriting if the request had been associated with a filter by um-ntrans (See um-ntrans).

The order of Input fn="insert-filter" and Output fn="insert-filter" directives can be important.


Returns REQ_PROCEED if the specified filter was inserted successfully, or REQ_NOACTION if the specified filter was not inserted because it was not required. Any other return value indicates an error.


The following table describes the parameter for the insert-filter function.

Table 5–98 insert-filter parameters




Specifies the name of the filter to insert. Must be set to "um-output".


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


Specifies the MIME types to which the filter will be applied. It can be omitted, as the filter makes its own choices about what types of content to filter. If it is provided, it should be set to "*".


Output fn="insert-filter" filter="um-output"