Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Release Notes

ProcedureSolution: (AIX) To Create a Domain With a Custom Master Password

Note –

In the procedure that follows, only the options that are required in each step are provided. If you require additional options for a command, specify these options in the command. For information about Enterprise Server commands, see Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Reference Manual.

  1. Create a shell script that contains the following lines of code:

    changeKeystorePass() {
      keytool -storepasswd -keystore ${KEYSTORE} -storepass ${OLD} -new ${NEW}
    changeTruststorePass() {
      keytool -storepasswd -keystore ${TRUSTSTORE} -storepass ${OLD} -new ${NEW}
    changeKeyPass() {
      keytool -keypasswd -alias s1as -keystore ${KEYSTORE} -storepass ${NEW} -keypass ${OLD} -new ${NEW}
    changeDomainPasswordEntry() {
      keytool -storepasswd -storetype JCEKS -keystore ${DOMAINPASSWORDS} -storepass ${OLD} -new ${NEW}
    deleteMasterPasswordFile() {
      if [ -f ${DOMAIN_PATH}/master-password ] ; then
        echo Deleting ${DOMAIN_PATH}/master-password
        rm -f ${DOMAIN_PATH}/master-password
    if [ $# != 3 ] ; then
      echo Usage: $0 domain-path old-master-pass new-master-pass
      exit 1
    echo Processing ...
    if [ ! -f ${DOMAIN_PATH}/config/domain.xml ] ; then
      echo "Domain with folder ${DOMAIN_PATH} does not exist, create it first"
      exit 2
  2. Create a domain, specifying the default master password.

    aadmin create-domain {--adminport aminportno|--portbase portbase} domain-name
    Please enter the admin user name>admin-user
    Please enter the admin password>admin-user-password
    Please enter the admin password again>admin-user-password
    Please enter the master password [Enter to accept the default]:>
    Please enter the master password again [Enter to accept the default]:>

    The default master password is changeit.

  3. Change the master password of the domain that you have just created.

    To change the master password, run the script that you created in Step 1.

    script-name domain-path old-password new-password
  4. Start the domain that you created in Step 2.

    asadmin start-domain domain-name

    Because the domain has a custom master password, you are prompted for the master password.

  5. In response to the prompt, type the new master password.

  6. For domains that are configured to support clusters, create and start a node agent.

    1. Create a node agent for the domain that you created in Step 2.

      asadmin create-node-agent --port portno --user admin-user
    2. Start the node agent that you created in Step a.

      asadmin start-node-agent

      Because the domain has a custom master password, you are prompted for the master password.

    3. In response to the prompt, type the new master password.

See Also

The following Enterprise Server man pages: