Netra T2000 Server Product Notes

The Netra T2000 Server Product Notes provide last-minute information regarding your Netratrademark T2000 server.

Topics include:

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Shipping Kit Contents

The shipping kit might contain different items than those described on the packing list. For example, to promote eco-responsibility, the kit might no longer contain the RJ-45 Ethernet cable, the antistatic wriststrap, or other ancillary items. Alternatively, serial adapters, fasteners, or other items not listed on the packing list might be included to enhance the customer experience. Contact Sun Microsystems, Inc. to purchase the items you need. These ancillary items also might be available at computer supply stores.

Hardware Notes

Surge Protection

The Netra T2000 server does not require an additional surge protector for the AC or DC power configurations if the facility has a surge protector that limits voltage surges to less than 2000 volts. You can, however, install a surge protector if your site requires an additional protector.

New Storage Configuration

The Netra T2000 server is now available with 4 hard drives in the 8-core configuration. There is no optical media drive in this configuration. Hot-swapping of these drives and mass storage assembly replacement procedures are similar enough that the existing administration and service documentation is sufficient.

New PCI Tray

Some Netra T2000 servers are shipping with a slightly different PCI tray design than that described in the documentation. The functionality of the trays are identical, as are the PCI card type locations.

PCI Card Retainers

Your Netra T2000 server (or the included accessory kit) might not have the upgraded PCI card retainers to support the LM320 SCSI card in slots PCI-X2 and PCI-X3. If you require support for this card in either of these slots, please contact your Sun representative.

AC Power Supply Fans

When the system is in standby mode and 12 VDC power is off, the power supply fans might or might not be spinning.

Power Cycling the Server

Wait at least 10 seconds from power off, before you use the Power/Standby button to power on the Netra T2000 server.

Supported Writable Optical Media

The optical media drive shipped in your Netra T2000 server might be a model TS-T632A. As a service to users who want to burn CD or DVD writable media, Sun Microsystems is making the following information available from the manufacturer’s in-house testing of their drive.

Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter

Now shipping with the adapter is a small, rectangular ESD-EMI gasket. This gasket improves ESD-EMI characteristics. You must install this gasket before installing the adapter into a system. Use the following procedure to install the gasket.

1. Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the two screws that secure the bracket to the adapter card.


FIGURE 1 Removing the Bracket Screws

2. Release the lever on the optical transceiver.

3. Disassemble the optical transceiver and bracket from the adapter card as one unit.


FIGURE 2 Disassembling the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter

4. Determine which bracket you are going to use.

If that bracket is different than the one with the optical transceiver, swap the brackets.

5. Ensure that the bracket has the correct orientation.


6. Peel the backing off of the EMI-ESD gasket and slide it over the optical transceiver, with the sticky side toward the bracket.

7. Reassemble the optical transceiver, bracket, and gasket to the adapter card.


FIGURE 3 Assembling the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter

8. Using the No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the two screws securing the bracket to the adapter card.


FIGURE 4 Securing the Bracket Screws

9. Close the lever on the optical transceiver.

10. Install the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter into the Netra T2000 server.

See the Netra T2000 Server Service Manual for instructions.

Software Notes

Transition From the ipge to the e1000g Network Driver

About the ipge and e1000g Network Drivers

The ipge network driver was a temporary support mechanism for the Intel PCI-Express network interfaces found on SPARC® based servers. The driver was provided in the following releases of the Solaristrademark 10 software:

Presently, and with the release of Solaris 10 11/06, the new Sun standard e1000g network driver is available. The e1000g driver provides additional features such as link aggregation, as well as superior performance in most environments.

Transitioning from the ipge driver to the e1000g driver will circumvent the following issues:

Conditions of the Transition

When transitioning from the ipge network driver to the e1000g network driver, consider the following conditions:

Transitioning From the ipge to the e1000g Network Driver

1. Install patch 118833-18 or later, or install Solaris 10 11/06 software or later.

2. Install the e1000g transition patch, 123334-01 or later.

3. Run the transition script, /usr/sbin/e1000g_transition -b, delivered in patch 123334.

The -b argument allows you to back out the script, should there be complications. See Conditions of the Transition.

More Information

See Sun Alert Notification 102502 for more information about the transition from the ipge to the e1000g driver. The notification is available online at:

NIC Data Integrity Issues

If the e1000g network driver is configured for use with the Intel Gigabit Ethernet card, there might be data integrity issues during periods of high stress on the network interfaces. When the system is under high network stress, application data could be corrupted. Data corruption can only be detected by the application or if the user sees unexpected application data.

single-step bullet  To determine if you have an Intel Gigabit Ethernet Card installed, type this command as superuser:

# ifconfig -a

If an Intel Gigabit Ethernet Card is installed, the output contains a string in the form of e1000gx. Where x is 0, 1,2,...

Workaround: Add the following to the /etc/system file as superuser:

set ip:dohwcksum=0

Supported Firmware and Software Versions

The following firmware and software version are the minimum supported versions for the Netra T2000 server:

Suggested Patches and Packages

Sun Microsystems continually strives to improve software and applications. Developments in the functionality of the Solaris 10 6/06 and earlier operating system have necessitated the following patches to provide your server with optimal performance:

The following patches supplement the Solaris 10 11/06 and later Operating System and provide enhancement:

The patches are available for download at:

nalmtest of SunVTS Hangs

6424423 -- The nalmtest of SunVTS 6.2 might hang while running.

Workaround: You can leave SunVTS or nalmtest hung (as this should not effect other processes on the system) or reboot the server.

Critical Alarm Upon Boot

6421462 -- Upon booting the Netra T2000 server, the critical alarm LED might be illuminated, yet there is no error.

Workaround: Reset the critical alarm through the system controller using the following ALOM command:

sc> setalarm critical off

System Panic From Solaris 10 6/06 Optical Media Drive Boot

6453703 -- Booting the Netra T2000 server from the optical media drive with a version of Solaris 10 6/06 or earlier will cause a system panic. The Solaris 10 6/06 DVD or CD-ROM does not have the necessary patches for the Netra T2000. See Suggested Patches and Packages. If you must boot the server from the optical media drive, use a later version of the Solaris Operating System.

FMA Error Continuously Reported

6438060 -- After a reboot, FMA continuously reports SUNOS-8000-1L messages for This is a fault in the FMA software. This situation is under investigation.

Critical Fault in PCI-Express Subsystem

6457637 -- In a Sun Cluster configuration, a critical fault in the PCI-Express subsystem is reported.

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

1. Edit the /etc/system file to contain the following lines:

set pcie:pcie_aer_ce_mask=0x1
set segkmem_lpsize=0x400000

2. Clear the FMA errors:

# fmadm repair fault-identifier
# cd /var/fm/fmd
# rm e* f* c*/eft/* r*/*
# fmadm reset cpumem-diagnosis
# fmadm reset cpumem-retire
# fmadm reset eft
# fmadm reset io-retire

3. Clear the faults in the system controller through the ALOM prompt:

sc> showfaults -v
ID Time FRU Fault
0 Aug 4 22:01 hc://product-id=SUNW,Netra-T2000/component=
IOBD Host detected fault, MSGID:
SUN4-8000-75 UUID: fault-identifier
sc> clearfault fault-identifier
Clearing fault from all indicted FRUs...
Fault cleared.

Console Output Is Slow

6453191 -- The console output from the serial ports appears to be at 1200 baud. The root cause of this behavior is from 6405226 and 6450614.

Workaround: Upgrade to firmware version 6.3.7 with patch 124753-02 or later to resolve this problem.

ALOM and POST Reports Conflict

6454648 -- The power-on self-test reports an error in the IO-bridge test, yet ALOM does not. There are two conditions to this situation, ALOM does not test the IO-bridge and POST is falsely reporting the error.

Workaround: Add three entries to the ASR database. Edit the asr.cfg file to have the following lines:

node asr_entry pcie-pcix1 {
	key = "pcie-pcix1";
	alt = "IOBD/PCI-BRIDGE1";
	nac = "IOBD/PCI-BRIDGE1";
	path = "/@780/@0/@8/@0";
	reason = [ 0x00 ];
	postbits = 0x10000000000000;
node asr_entry pcie-pcix2 {
	key = "pcie-pcix2";
	alt = "IOBD/PCI-BRIDGE2";
	nac = "IOBD/PCI-BRIDGE2";
	path = "/@7c0/@0/@1/@0";
	reason = [ 0x00 ];
	postbits = 0x2000000000000000;
node asr_entry pcie-pcix3 {
	key = "pcie-pcix3";
	alt = "IOBD/PCI-BRIDGE3";
	nac = "IOBD/PCI-BRIDGE3";
	path = "/@7c0/@0/@9/@0";
	reason = [ 0x00 ];
	postbits = 0x4000000000000000;

Cluster Interconnects Go Up and Down

6328986, 6467860 -- Sun Cluster 3.1u4 customers wanting to use the on-board Gigabit Ethernet ports or ports from a PCIe network interface card and the e1000g network driver for cluster interconnects, require an Ethernet switch.

Efforts are underway to resolve this situation.

System Clock Drift

6565947 -- In some Netra T2000 servers, the system clock drifts by as much as 20 seconds per day. Additionally, the ALOM real-time clock corrects the system clock every two hours. Upon correction, the system clock jumps approximately two seconds.

Workaround: Perform one of the following actions:

Reboot the system.

Documentation Notes

Differences of Information

There are differences between the Netra T2000 server documentation and labels applied to the server itself. These differences occur because the information is presented in the context of its need. For example, the serial connector is labeled with either the word "serial" or "A". This label identifies a type of signal and its standard connector. The server documentation provides more information about that signal, its parameters, and the connector pinout. The same holds true for the server service label, as it provides a summary or overview of service procedures. More explicit and detailed procedures are described in the server service manual.

Additional Documentation Support

The Sun Fire T2000 server and Netra T2000 server share certain characteristics. You can consult the Sun Fire T2000 Server Product Notes, 819-2544-18, as an additional documentation support resource.

PCI Cable to U-Plate Fasteners

In section 2.3.6 of the Netra T2000 Server Service Manual, 819-5841-10, the procedure to remove the PCI tray describes removing the U-plate. Earlier versions of the Netra T2000 server did not have hook-and-loop fasteners on the underside of the U-plate, to which the PCI cables are attached.

For newer versions of the Netra T2000 server, you must take an additional step of unfastening the PCI cables from the underside of the U-plate before you remove the U-plate.

Accordingly, you must take the additional step of attaching the PCI cables to the underside of the U-plate, after installing the U-plate.

scadm Command Not Supported

In Chapter 2, Advanced Lights Out Management, of the Netra T2000 Server Administration Guide, use of the scadm command is discussed. The Netra T2000 server supports the scadm command with the following software installed:

PCI Slots Incorrectly Identified

The Netra T2000 documentation incorrectly identifies the PCI slots. The correct labeling is seen in FIGURE 5.

Graphic showing the rear panel.

FIGURE 5 Netra T2000 Server Rear Panel

DC Operation Conditions and Procedures

The following DC power cabling and connector information was mistakenly omitted from the Netra T2000 Installation Guide.

DC Supply and Ground Conductor Requirements

Note - Depending on the DC power source, the -48V (negative terminal) might be marked with a minus (-) symbol, and the -48V Return (positive terminal) might be marked with a positive (+) symbol.

Overcurrent Protection Requirements

Note - Overcurrent protection devices must meet applicable national and local electrical safety codes and be approved for the intended application.

Assembling the DC Input Power Cable

1. Identify the parts that you will use to assemble the DC input power cable (FIGURE 6).

The following DC connection parts are required to assemble one or more DC power input cables. These cables connect the -48V DC input source(s) to the power supply units.

Figure showing the DC input plug, cage clamp operating lever, and strain relief housing.

FIGURE 6 DC Connection Parts

2. Turn off power from the DC power source through the circuit breakers.

caution icon Caution - Do notproceed with these instructions until you have turned off the power from the DC power source through the circuit breakers.

3. Get a DC input plug from the ship kit.

4. Locate the three wires coming from the DC power source that will be used in the connection to your unit:

Note - Depending on the DC power source, the -48V (negative terminal) might be marked with a minus (-) symbol, and the -48V Return (positive terminal) might be marked with a positive (+) symbol.

5. Strip 5/16 inches (8 mm) of insulation from each of the wires coming from the DC power source.

Do not strip more than 5/16 inches (8 mm) from each wire. Doing so leaves uninsulated wire exposed from the DC connector after the assembly is complete.

Figure showing the amount of insulation to strip from the wire (5/16 inches).

FIGURE 7 Stripping the Insulation From the Wire

6. Open the cage clamp for this section of the DC input plug by taking one of the following actions:

Figure showing how to open the DC input plug cage clamp using the cage clamp operating lever.

FIGURE 8 Opening the DC Input Plug Cage Clamp Using the Cage Clamp Operating Lever

Figure showing how to open the cage clamp using a screwdriver.

FIGURE 9 Opening the Cage Clamp Using a Screwdriver

7. Feed the exposed section of the appropriate wire into the rectangular plug hole in the DC input plug.

FIGURE 10 shows which wires should be inserted into each hole in the DC input plug.

Figure showing how to assemble the DC input power cable.

FIGURE 10 Assembling the DC Input Power Cable

8. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 for the other two wires to complete the assembly of the DC input power cable.

9. Repeat Step 4 through Step 8 to create as many DC input power cables as you need for your unit.

You need two DC input power cables for each of the power supplies.

If you need to remove a wire from the DC input plug, insert the cage clamp operating lever or a small screwdriver into the slot directly above the wire and press down (FIGURE 8 and FIGURE 9). Pull the wire from the DC input plug.

Installing the Strain Relief Housings

1. Insert the bottom portion of the strain relief housing into the notch on the DC input plug until it snaps into place.

Ensure that the strain relief housing snaps into place on the DC input plug. You cannot complete the assembly correctly if the strain relief housing is not snapped into place.

Figure showing how to insert the bottom portion of the strain relief housing.

FIGURE 11 Inserting the Bottom Portion of the Strain Relief Housing

2. Route the three wires coming from the DC power source through the opening at the end of the bottom portion of the strain relief housing (FIGURE 12).

Figure showing how to route the wires out of the bottom portion of the strain relief housing.

FIGURE 12 Routing the Wires out of the Bottom Portion of the Strain Relief Housing

3. Insert a tie wrap into the bottom portion of the strain relief housing (FIGURE 13).

Figure showing how to secure the wires to the strain relief housing.

FIGURE 13 Securing the Wires to the Strain Relief Housing

4. Loop the tie wrap over the wires and back out of the strain relief housing, and tightening the tie wrap to secure the wires to the strain relief housing (FIGURE 13).

5. Lower the top portion of the strain relief housing so that the three prongs on the top portion insert into the openings in the DC input plug.

Push the top and bottom portions of the strain relief housing together until they snap into place (FIGURE 14).

Figure showing how to assemble the strain relief housing.

FIGURE 14 Assembling the Strain Relief Housing


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