Logical Domains 1.3 Administration Guide

Chapter 6 Using Virtual Disks

This chapter describes how to use virtual disks with Logical Domains software.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Introduction to Virtual Disks

A virtual disk contains two components: the virtual disk itself as it appears in a guest domain, and the virtual disk backend, which is where data is stored and where virtual I/O ends up. The virtual disk backend is exported from a service domain by the virtual disk server (vds) driver. The vds driver communicates with the virtual disk client (vdc) driver in the guest domain through the hypervisor using a logical domain channel (LDC). Finally, a virtual disk appears as /dev/[r]dsk/cXdYsZ devices in the guest domain.

The virtual disk backend can be physical or logical. Physical devices can include the following:

Logical devices can be any of the following:

Figure 6–1 Virtual Disks With Logical Domains

Diagram shows how virtual disk elements, which include components in the guest and service domains, communicate through the logical domain channel.

Managing Virtual Disks

This section describes adding a virtual disk to a guest domain, changing virtual disk and timeout options, and removing a virtual disk from a guest domain. See Virtual Disk Backend Options for a description of virtual disk options. See Virtual Disk Timeout for a description of the virtual disk timeout.

ProcedureAdd a Virtual Disk

  1. Export the virtual disk backend from a service domain.

    # ldm add-vdsdev [options={ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=mpgroup] \
    backend volume-name@service-name
  2. Assign the backend to a guest domain.

    # ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] [id=disk-id] disk-name volume-name@service-name ldom

    You can specify an ID of a new virtual disk device by setting the id property. By default, ID values are automatically generated, so set this property if you need to match an existing device name in the OS. See Virtual Disk Identifier and Device Name.

    Note –

    A backend is actually exported from the service domain and assigned to the guest domain when the guest domain (ldom) is bound.

ProcedureExport a Virtual Disk Backend Multiple Times

A virtual disk backend can be exported multiple times either through the same or different virtual disk servers. Each exported instance of the virtual disk backend can then be assigned to either the same or different guest domains.

When a virtual disk backend is exported multiple times, it should not be exported with the exclusive (excl) option. Specifying the excl option will only allow exporting the backend once. The backend can be safely exported multiple times as a read-only device with the ro option.

Caution – Caution –

When a virtual disk backend is exported multiple times, applications running on guest domains and using that virtual disk are responsible for coordinating and synchronizing concurrent write access to ensure data coherency.

The following example describes how to add the same virtual disk to two different guest domains through the same virtual disk service.

  1. Export the virtual disk backend two times from a service domain by using the following commands.

    # ldm add-vdsdev [options={ro,slice}] backend volume1@service-name
    # ldm add-vdsdev -f [options={ro,slice}] backend volume2@service-name

    Note that the second ldm add-vdsdev command uses the -f option to force the second export of the backend. Use this option when using the same backend path for both commands and when the virtual disk servers are located on the same service domain.

  2. Assign the exported backend to each guest domain by using the following commands.

    The disk-name can be different for ldom1 and ldom2.

    # ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] disk-name volume1@service-name ldom1
    # ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] disk-name volume2@service-name ldom2

ProcedureChange Virtual Disk Options

  1. After a backend is exported from the service domain, you can change the virtual disk options by using the following command.

    # ldm set-vdsdev options=[{ro,slice,excl}] volume-name@service-name

ProcedureChange the Timeout Option

  1. After a virtual disk is assigned to a guest domain, you can change the timeout of the virtual disk by using the following command.

    # ldm set-vdisk timeout=seconds disk-name ldom

ProcedureRemove a Virtual Disk

  1. Remove a virtual disk from a guest domain by using the following command.

    # ldm rm-vdisk disk-name ldom
  2. Stop exporting the corresponding backend from the service domain by using the following command.

    # ldm rm-vdsdev volume-name@service-name

Virtual Disk Identifier and Device Name

When you use the ldm add-vdisk command to add a virtual disk to a domain, you can specify its device number by setting the id property.

# ldm add-vdisk [id=disk-id] disk-name volume-name@service-name ldom

Each virtual disk of a domain has a unique device number that is assigned when the domain is bound. If a virtual disk is added with an explicit device number (by setting the id property), the specified device number is used. Otherwise, the system automatically assigns the lowest device number available. In that case, the device number assigned depends on how virtual disks were added to the domain. The device number eventually assigned to a virtual disk is visible in the output of the ldm list-bindings command when a domain is bound.

When a domain with virtual disks is running the Solaris OS, each virtual disk appears in the domain as a c0dn disk device, where n is the device number of the virtual disk.

In the following example, the ldg1 domain has two virtual disks: rootdisk and pdisk. rootdisk has a device number of 0 (disk@0) and appears in the domain as the disk device c0d0. pdisk has a device number of 1 (disk@1) and appears in the domain as the disk device c0d1.

primary# ldm list-bindings ldg1
    NAME             VOLUME                      TOUT DEVICE  SERVER         MPGROUP
    rootdisk         dsk_nevada@primary-vds0          disk@0  primary
    pdisk            c3t40d1@primary-vds0             disk@1  primary

Caution – Caution –

If a device number is not explicitly assigned to a virtual disk, its device number can change when the domain is unbound and is later bound again. In that case, the device name assigned by the OS running in the domain can also change and break the existing configuration of the system. This might happen, for example, when a virtual disk is removed from the configuration of the domain.

Virtual Disk Appearance

When a backend is exported as a virtual disk, it can appear in the guest domain either as a full disk or as a single slice disk. The way it appears depends on the type of the backend and on the options used to export it.

Full Disk

When a backend is exported to a domain as a full disk, it appears in that domain as a regular disk with 8 slices (s0 to s7). Such a disk is visible with the format(1M) command. The disk's partition table can be changed using either the fmthard(1M) or format(1M) command.

A full disk is also visible to the OS installation software and can be selected as a disk onto which the OS can be installed.

Any backend can be exported as a full disk except physical disk slices that can only be exported as single slice disks.

Single Slice Disk

When a backend is exported to a domain as a single slice disk, it appears in that domain as a regular disk with 8 slices (s0 to s7). However, only the first slice (s0) is usable. Such a disk is visible with the format(1M) command, but the disk's partition table cannot be changed.

A single slice disk is also visible from the OS installation software and can be selected as a disk onto which you can install the OS. In that case, if you install the OS using the UNIX File System (UFS), then only the root partition (/) must be defined, and this partition must use all the disk space.

Any backend can be exported as a single slice disk except physical disks that can only be exported as full disks.

Note –

Prior to the Solaris 10 10/08 OS release, a single slice disk appeared as a disk with a single partition (s0). Such a disk was not visible with the format(1M) command. The disk also was not visible from the OS installation software and could not be selected as a disk device onto which the OS could be installed.

Virtual Disk Backend Options

Different options can be specified when exporting a virtual disk backend. These options are indicated in the options= argument of the ldm add-vdsdev command as a comma separated list. The valid options are: ro, slice, and excl.

Read-only (ro) Option

The read-only (ro) option specifies that the backend is to be exported as a read-only device. In that case, the virtual disk assigned to the guest domain can only be accessed for read operations, and any write operation to the virtual disk will fail.

Exclusive (excl) Option

The exclusive (excl) option specifies that the backend in the service domain has to be opened exclusively by the virtual disk server when it is exported as a virtual disk to another domain. When a backend is opened exclusively, it is not accessible by other applications in the service domain. This prevents the applications running in the service domain from inadvertently using a backend that is also being used by a guest domain.

Note –

Some drivers do not honor the excl option and will disallow some virtual disk backends from being opened exclusively. The excl option is known to work with physical disks and slices, but the option does not work with files. It may or may not work with pseudo devices, such as disk volumes. If the driver of the backend does not honor the exclusive open, the backend excl option is ignored, and the backend is not opened exclusively.

Because the excl option prevents applications running in the service domain from accessing a backend exported to a guest domain, do not set the excl option in the following situations:

By default, the backend is opened non-exclusively. That way the backend still can be used by applications running in the service domain while it is exported to another domain. Note that this is a new behavior starting with the Solaris 10 5/08 OS release. Prior to the Solaris 10 5/08 OS release, disk backends were always opened exclusively, and it was not possible to have a backend opened non-exclusively.

Slice (slice) Option

A backend is normally exported either as a full disk or as a single slice disk depending on its type. If the slice option is specified, then the backend is forcibly exported as a single slice disk.

This option is useful when you want to export the raw content of a backend. For example, if you have a ZFS or SVM volume where you have already stored data and you want your guest domain to access this data, then you should export the ZFS or SVM volume using the slice option.

For more information about this option, see Virtual Disk Backend.

Virtual Disk Backend

The virtual disk backend is the location where data of a virtual disk are stored. The backend can be a disk, a disk slice, a file, or a volume, such as ZFS, SVM, or VxVM. A backend appears in a guest domain either as a full disk or as single slice disk, depending on whether the slice option is set when the backend is exported from the service domain. By default, a virtual disk backend is exported non-exclusively as a readable-writable full disk.

Physical Disk or Disk LUN

A physical disk or disk LUN is always exported as a full disk. In that case, virtual disk drivers (vds and vdc) forward I/O from the virtual disk and act as a pass-through to the physical disk or disk LUN.

A physical disk or disk LUN is exported from a service domain by exporting the device that corresponds to the slice 2 (s2) of that disk without setting the slice option. If you export the slice 2 of a disk with the slice option, only this slice is exported and not the entire disk.

ProcedureExport a Physical Disk as a Virtual Disk

  1. Export a physical disk as a virtual disk.

    For example, to export the physical disk c1t48d0 as a virtual disk, you must export slice 2 of that disk (c1t48d0s2).

    primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c1t48d0s2 c1t48d0@primary-vds0
  2. Assign the disk to a guest domain.

    For example, assign the disk (pdisk) to guest domain ldg1.

    primary# ldm add-vdisk pdisk c1t48d0@primary-vds0 ldg1
  3. After the guest domain is started and running the Solaris OS, verify that the disk is accessible and is a full disk.

    A full disk is a regular disk that has eight (8) slices.

    For example, the disk being checked is c0d1.

    ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d1s*

Physical Disk Slice

A physical disk slice is always exported as a single slice disk. In that case, virtual disk drivers (vds and vdc) forward I/O from the virtual disk and act as a pass-through to the physical disk slice.

A physical disk slice is exported from a service domain by exporting the corresponding slice device. If the device is different from slice 2 then it is automatically exported as a single slice disk whether or not you specify the slice option. If the device is the slice 2 of the disk, you must set the slice option to export only slice 2 as a single slice disk; otherwise, the entire disk is exported as full disk.

ProcedureExport a Physical Disk Slice as a Virtual Disk

  1. Export a slice of a physical disk as a virtual disk.

    For example, to export slice 0 of the physical disk c1t57d0 as a virtual disk, you must export the device that corresponds to that slice (c1t57d0s0) as follows.

    primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c1t57d0s0 c1t57d0s0@primary-vds0

    You do not need to specify the slice option, because a slice is always exported as a single slice disk.

  2. Assign the disk to a guest domain.

    For example, assign the disk (pslice) to guest domain ldg1.

    primary# ldm add-vdisk pslice c1t57d0s0@primary-vds0 ldg1
  3. After the guest domain is started and running the Solaris OS, you can list the disk (c0d13, for example) and see that the disk is accessible.

    ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d13s*

    Although there are 8 devices, because the disk is a single slice disk, only the first slice (s0) is usable.

ProcedureExport Slice 2

  1. To export slice 2 (disk c1t57d0s2, for example) you must specify the slice option; otherwise, the entire disk is exported.

    # ldm add-vdsdev options=slice /dev/dsk/c1t57d0s2 c1t57d0s2@primary-vds0

File and Volume

A file or volume (for example from ZFS or SVM) is exported either as a full disk or as single slice disk depending on whether or not the slice option is set.

File or Volume Exported as a Full Disk

If you do not set the slice option, a file or volume is exported as a full disk. In that case, virtual disk drivers (vds and vdc) forward I/O from the virtual disk and manage the partitioning of the virtual disk. The file or volume eventually becomes a disk image containing data from all slices of the virtual disk and the metadata used to manage the partitioning and disk structure.

When a blank file or volume is exported as full disk, it appears in the guest domain as an unformatted disk; that is, a disk with no partition. Then you need to run the format(1M) command in the guest domain to define usable partitions and to write a valid disk label. Any I/O to the virtual disk fails while the disk is unformatted.

Note –

Prior to the Solaris 10 5/08 OS release, when a blank file was exported as a virtual disk, the system wrote a default disk label and created default partitioning. This is no longer the case with the Solaris 10 5/08 OS release, and you must run format(1M) in the guest domain to create partitions.

ProcedureExport a File as a Full Disk

  1. From the service domain, create a file (fdisk0 for example) to use as the virtual disk.

    service# mkfile 100m /ldoms/domain/test/fdisk0

    The size of the file defines the size of the virtual disk. This example creates a 100- megabyte blank file to get a 100-megabyte virtual disk.

  2. From the control domain, export the file as a virtual disk.

    primary# ldm add-vdsdev /ldoms/domain/test/fdisk0 fdisk0@primary-vds0

    In this example, the slice option is not set, so the file is exported as a full disk.

  3. From the control domain, assign the disk to a guest domain.

    For example, assign the disk (fdisk) to guest domain ldg1.

    primary# ldm add-vdisk fdisk fdisk0@primary-vds0 ldg1
  4. After the guest domain is started and running the Solaris OS, verify that the disk is accessible and is a full disk.

    A full disk is a regular disk with 8 slices.

    The following example shows how to list the disk, c0d5, and verify that it is accessible and is a full disk.

    ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d5s*

File or Volume Exported as a Single Slice Disk

If the slice option is set, then the file or volume is exported as a single slice disk. In that case, the virtual disk has only one partition (s0), which is directly mapped to the file or volume backend. The file or volume only contains data written to the virtual disk with no extra data like partitioning information or disk structure.

When a file or volume is exported as a single slice disk, the system simulates a fake disk partitioning which makes that file or volume appear as a disk slice. Because the disk partitioning is simulated, you do not create partitioning for that disk.

ProcedureExport a ZFS Volume as a Single Slice Disk

  1. Create a ZFS volume to use as a single slice disk.

    The following example shows how to create a ZFS volume, zdisk0, to use as a single slice disk.

    service# zfs create -V 100m ldoms/domain/test/zdisk0

    The size of the volume defines the size of the virtual disk. This example creates a 100-megabyte volume to get a 100-megabyte virtual disk.

  2. From the control domain, export the corresponding device to that ZFS volume, and set the slice option so that the volume is exported as a single slice disk.

    primary# ldm add-vdsdev options=slice /dev/zvol/dsk/ldoms/domain/test/zdisk0 \
  3. From the control domain, assign the volume to a guest domain.

    The following shows how to assign the volume, zdisk0, to guest domain ldg1.

    primary# ldm add-vdisk zdisk0 zdisk0@primary-vds0 ldg1
  4. After the guest domain is started and running the Solaris OS, you can list the disk (c0d9, for example) and see that the disk is accessible and is a single slice disk (s0).

    ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d9s*

Exporting Volumes and Backward Compatibility

Prior to the Solaris 10 5/08 OS release, the slice option did not exist, and volumes were exported as single slice disks. If you have a configuration exporting volumes as virtual disks and if you upgrade the system to the Solaris 10 5/08 OS, volumes are now exported as full disks instead of single slice disks. To preserve the old behavior and to have your volumes exported as single slice disks, you need to do either of the following:

Summary of How Different Types of Backends Are Exported


No Slice Option 

Slice Option Set 

Disk (disk slice 2) 

Full disk [Export the entire disk.]

Single slice disk [Export only slice 2]

Disk slice (not slice 2) 

Single slice disk [A slice is always exported as a single slice disk.]

Single slice disk 


Full disk 

Single slice disk 

Volume, including ZFS, SVM, or VxVM 

Full disk 

Single slice disk 

Guidelines for Exporting Files and Disk Slices as Virtual Disks

This section includes guidelines for exporting a file and a disk slice as a virtual disk.

Using the Loopback File (lofi) Driver

It is possible to use the loopback file (lofi) driver to export a file as a virtual disk. However, doing this adds an extra driver layer and impacts performance of the virtual disk. Instead, you can directly export a file as a full disk or as a single slice disk. See File and Volume.

Directly or Indirectly Exporting a Disk Slice

To export a slice as a virtual disk either directly or indirectly (for example through a SVM volume), ensure that the slice does not start on the first block (block 0) of the physical disk by using the prtvtoc(1M) command.

If you directly or indirectly export a disk slice which starts on the first block of a physical disk, you might overwrite the partition table of the physical disk and make all partitions of that disk inaccessible.

Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing

If a virtual disk backend is accessible through different service domains, then you can configure virtual disk multipathing so that the virtual disk in a guest domain remains accessible if a service domain goes down. An example of a virtual disk backend accessible through different service domains is a file on a network file system (NFS) server or a shared physical disk connected to several service domains.

To enable virtual disk multipathing, you must export a virtual disk backend from the different service domains and add it to the same multipathing group (mpgroup). The mpgroup is identified by a name and is configured when the virtual disk backend is exported.

The following figure illustrates how to configure virtual disk multipathing. In this example, a multipathing group named foo is used to create a virtual disk, whose backend is accessible from two service domains: primary and alternate.

Figure 6–2 Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing

Shows how multipathing group, foo, is used to create a virtual disk, whose backend is accessible from two service domains: primary and alternative.

ProcedureConfigure Virtual Disk Multipathing

  1. Export the virtual backend from the primary service domain.

    # ldm add-vdsdev mpgroup=foo backend-path1 volume@primary-vds0

    Where backend-path1 is the path to the virtual disk backend from the primary domain.

  2. Export the same virtual backend from the alternate service domain.

    # ldm add-vdsdev mpgroup=foo backend-path2 volume@alternate-vds0

    Where backend-path2 is the path to the virtual disk backend from the alternate domain.

    Note –

    backend-path1 and backend-path2 are paths to the same virtual disk backend, but from two different domains (primary and alternate). These paths might be the same or might be different depending on the configuration of the primary and alternate domains. The volume name is a user choice. It might be the same or different for both commands.

  3. Export the virtual disk to the guest domain.

    # ldm add-vdisk disk-name volume@primary-vds0 ldom

    Note –

    Although the virtual disk backend is exported several times through different service domains, you assign only one virtual disk to the guest domain and associate it with the virtual disk backend through any of the service domains.

Result of Virtual Disk Multipathing

Once you configure the virtual disk with multipathing and start the guest domain, the virtual disk accesses its backend through the service domain it has been associated with (the primary domain in this example). If this service domain becomes unavailable, then the virtual disk tries to access its backend through a difference service domain that is part of the same multipathing group.

Caution – Caution –

When defining a multipathing group (mpgroup), ensure that the virtual disk backends that are part of the same mpgroup are effectively the same virtual disk backend. If you add different virtual disks' backends into the same mpgroup, you might see some unexpected behavior, and you can potentially lose or corrupt data stored on the backends.

CD, DVD and ISO Images

You can export a compact disc (CD) or digital versatile disc (DVD) the same way you export any regular disk. To export a CD or DVD to a guest domain, export slice 2 of the CD or DVD device as a full disk; that is, without the slice option.

Note –

You cannot export the CD or DVD drive itself; you only can export the CD or DVD that is inside the CD or DVD drive. Therefore, a CD or DVD must be present inside the drive before you can export it. Also, to be able to export a CD or DVD, that CD or DVD cannot be in use in the service domain. In particular, the Volume Management file system, volfs(7FS) service must not use the CD or DVD. See Export a CD or DVD From the Service Domain to the Guest Domain for instructions on how to remove the device from use by volfs.

If you have an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) image of a CD or DVD stored in file or on a volume, and export that file or volume as a full disk then it appears as a CD or DVD in the guest domain.

When you export a CD, DVD, or an ISO image, it automatically appears as a read-only device in the guest domain. However, you cannot perform any CD control operations from the guest domain; that is, you cannot start, stop, or eject the CD from the guest domain. If the exported CD, DVD, or ISO image is bootable, the guest domain can be booted on the corresponding virtual disk.

For example, if you export a Solaris OS installation DVD, you can boot the guest domain on the virtual disk that corresponds to that DVD and install the guest domain from that DVD. To do so, when the guest domain reaches the ok prompt, use the following command.

ok boot /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@n:f

Where n is the index of the virtual disk representing the exported DVD.

Note –

If you export a Solaris OS installation DVD and boot a guest domain on the virtual disk that corresponds to that DVD to install the guest domain, then you cannot change the DVD during the installation. So you might need to skip any step of the installation requesting a different CD/DVD, or you will need to provide an alternate path to access this requested media.

ProcedureExport a CD or DVD From the Service Domain to the Guest Domain

  1. From the service domain, check whether the volume management daemon, vold(1M), is running and online.

    service# svcs volfs
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         12:28:12 svc:/system/filesystem/volfs:default
  2. Do one of the following.

    • If the volume management daemon is not running or online, go to Step 3.

    • If the volume management daemon is running and online, as in the example in Step 1, do the following:

    1. Edit the /etc/vold.conf file and comment out the line starting with the following words.

      use cdrom drive....

      See the vold.conf(4) man page.

    2. Insert the CD or DVD in the CD or DVD drive.

    3. From the service domain, restart the volume management file system service.

      service# svcadm refresh volfs
      service# svcadm restart volfs
  3. From the service domain, find the disk path for the CD-ROM device.

    • For the Solaris 10 OS, run the cdrw -l command.

      service# cdrw -l
      Looking for CD devices...
         Node                   Connected Device                 Device type
      /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2    | MATSHITA CD-RW  CW-8124   DZ13 | CD Reader/Writer
    • For the OpenSolaris OS, run the rmmount -l command.

      service# rmmount -l
      /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2    cdrom,cdrom0,cd,cd0,sr,sr0,OpenSolaris,/media/OpenSolaris
  4. Export the CD or DVD disk device as a full disk.

    primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 cdrom@primary-vds0
  5. Assign the exported CD or DVD to the guest domain.

    The following shows how to assign the exported CD or DVD to domain ldg1:

    primary# ldm add-vdisk cdrom cdrom@primary-vds0 ldg1
Exporting a CD or DVD Multiple Times

A CD or DVD can be exported multiple times and assigned to different guest domains. See Export a Virtual Disk Backend Multiple Times for more information.

ProcedureExport an ISO Image From the primary Domain to Install a Guest Domain

This procedure shows how to export an ISO image from the primary domain and use it to install a guest domain. This procedure assumes that both the primary domain and the guest domain are configured.

For example, the following ldm list shows that both the primary and ldom1 domains are configured:

# ldm list
primary          active   -n-cv   SP      4     4G       0.3%  15m
ldom1            active   -t---   5000    4     1G        25%  8m
  1. Add a virtual disk server device to export the ISO image.

    In this example, the ISO image is /export/images/sol-10-u8-ga-sparc-dvd.iso.

    # ldm add-vdsdev /export/images/sol-10-u8-ga-sparc-dvd.iso dvd-iso@primary-vds0
  2. Stop the guest domain.

    In this example, the logical domain is ldom1.

    # ldm stop-domain ldom1
    LDom ldom1 stopped
  3. Add the virtual disk for the ISO image to the logical domain.

    In this example, the logical domain is ldom1.

    # ldm add-vdisk s10-dvd dvd-iso@primary-vds0 ldom1
  4. Restart the guest domain.

    In this example, the logical domain is ldom1.

    # ldm start-domain ldom1
    LDom ldom1 started
    # ldm list
    primary          active   -n-cv   SP      4     4G       0.4%  25m
    ldom1            active   -t---   5000    4     1G       0.0%  0s

    In this example, the ldm list command shows that the ldom1 domain has just been started.

  5. Connect to the guest domain.

    # telnet localhost 5000
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Connecting to console "ldom1" in group "ldom1" ....
    Press ~? for control options ..
  6. Verify the existence of the ISO image as a virtual disk.

    {0} ok show-disks
    a) /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1
    b) /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0
    Enter Selection, q to quit: q

    In this example, the newly added device is /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1.

  7. Boot the guest domain to install from the ISO image.

    In this example, boot from the f slice of the /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1 disk.

    {0} ok boot /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1:f

Virtual Disk Timeout

By default, if the service domain providing access to a virtual disk backend is down, all I/O from the guest domain to the corresponding virtual disk is blocked. The I/O automatically is resumed when the service domain is operational and is servicing I/O requests to the virtual disk backend.

However, there are some cases when file systems or applications might not want the I/O operation to block, but for it to fail and report an error if the service domain is down for too long. It is now possible to set a connection timeout period for each virtual disk, which can then be used to establish a connection between the virtual disk client on a guest domain and the virtual disk server on the service domain. When that timeout period is reached, any pending I/O and any new I/O will fail as long as the service domain is down and the connection between the virtual disk client and server is not reestablished.

This timeout can be set by doing one of the following:

Specify the timeout in seconds. If the timeout is set to 0, the timeout is disabled and I/O is blocked while the service domain is down (this is the default setting and behavior).

Alternatively, the timeout can be set by adding the following line to the /etc/system file on the guest domain.

set vdc:vdc_timeout=seconds

Note –

If this tunable is set, it overwrites any timeout setting done using the ldm CLI. Also, the tunable sets the timeout for all virtual disks in the guest domain.

Virtual Disk and SCSI

If a physical SCSI disk or LUN is exported as a full disk, the corresponding virtual disk supports the user SCSI command interface, uscsi(7I) and multihost disk control operations mhd(7i). Other virtual disks, such as virtual disks having a file or a volume as a backend, do not support these interfaces.

As a consequence, applications or product features using SCSI commands (such as SVM metaset, or Solaris Cluster shared devices) can be used in guest domains only with virtual disks having a physical SCSI disk as a backend.

Note –

SCSI operations are effectively executed by the service domain, which manages the physical SCSI disk or LUN used as a virtual disk backend. In particular, SCSI reservations are done by the service domain. Therefore, applications running in the service domain and in guest domains should not issue SCSI commands to the same physical SCSI disks; otherwise, this can lead to an unexpected disk state.

Virtual Disk and the format(1M) Command

The format(1M) command recognizes all virtual disks that are present in a domain. However, for virtual disks that are exported as single-slice disks, the format command cannot change the partition table of the virtual disk. Commands such as label will fail unless you try to write a disk label similar to the one that is already associated with the virtual disk.

Virtual disks whose backends are SCSI disks support all format(1M) subcommands. Virtual disks whose backends are not SCSI disks do not support some format(1M) subcommands, such as repair and defect. In that case, the behavior of format(1M) is similar to the behavior of Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) disks.

Using ZFS With Virtual Disks

This section describes using the Zettabyte File System (ZFS) to store virtual disk backends exported to guest domains. ZFS provides a convenient and powerful solution to create and manage virtual disk backends. ZFS enables:

Refer to the Solaris ZFS Administration Guide for more information about using the ZFS.

In the following descriptions and examples, the primary domain is also the service domain where disk images are stored.

Configuring a ZFS Pool in a Service Domain

To store the disk images, first create a ZFS storage pool in the service domain. For example, this command creates the ZFS storage pool ldmpool containing the disk c1t50d0 in the primary domain.

primary# zpool create ldmpool c1t50d0

Storing Disk Images With ZFS

The following command creates a disk image for guest domain ldg1. A ZFS file system for this guest domain is created, and all disk images of this guest domain will be stored on that file system.

primary# zfs create ldmpool/ldg1

Disk images can be stored on ZFS volumes or ZFS files. Creating a ZFS volume, whatever its size, is quick using the zfs create -V command. On the other hand, ZFS files have to be created using the mkfile command. The command can take some time to complete, especially if the file to create is quite large, which is often the case when creating a disk image.

Both ZFS volumes and ZFS files can take advantage of ZFS features such as snapshot and clone, but a ZFS volume is a pseudo device while a ZFS file is a regular file.

If the disk image is to be used as a virtual disk onto which the Solaris OS is to be installed, then it should be large enough to contain:

Therefore, the size of a disk image to install the entire Solaris OS should be at least 8 gigabytes.

Examples of Storing Disk Images With ZFS

    The following examples:

  1. Create a 10-gigabyte image on a ZFS volume or file.

  2. Export the ZFS volume or file as a virtual disk. The syntax to export a ZFS volume or file is the same, but the path to the backend is different.

  3. Assign the exported ZFS volume or file to a guest domain.

When the guest domain is started, the ZFS volume or file appears as a virtual disk on which the Solaris OS can be installed.

ProcedureCreate a Disk Image Using a ZFS Volume

  1. For example, create a 10-gigabyte disk image on a ZFS volume.

    primary# zfs create -V 10gb ldmpool/ldg1/disk0

ProcedureCreate a Disk Image Using a ZFS File

  1. For example, create a 10-gigabyte disk image on a ZFS volume.

    primary# zfs create ldmpool/ldg1/disk0
    primary# mkfile 10g /ldmpool/ldg1/disk0/file

ProcedureExport the ZFS Volume

  1. Export the ZFS volume as a virtual disk.

    primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/zvol/dsk/ldmpool/ldg1/disk0 ldg1_disk0@primary-vds0

ProcedureExport the ZFS File

  1. Export the ZFS file as a virtual disk.

    primary# ldm add-vdsdev /ldmpool/ldg1/disk0/file ldg1_disk0@primary-vds0

ProcedureAssign the ZFS Volume or File to a Guest Domain

  1. Assign the ZFS volume or file to a guest domain; in this example, ldg1.

    primary# ldm add-vdisk disk0 ldg1_disk0@primary-vds0 ldg1

Creating a Snapshot of a Disk Image

When your disk image is stored on a ZFS volume or on a ZFS file, you can create snapshots of this disk image by using the ZFS snapshot command.

Before you create a snapshot of the disk image, ensure that the disk is not currently in use in the guest domain to ensure that data currently stored on the disk image are coherent. There are several ways to ensure that a disk is not in use in a guest domain. You can either:

In this example, because of the ZFS layout, the command to create a snapshot of the disk image is the same whether the disk image is stored on a ZFS volume or on a ZFS file.

ProcedureCreate a Snapshot of a Disk Image

  1. Create a snapshot of the disk image that was created for the ldg1 domain, for example.

    primary# zfs snapshot ldmpool/ldg1/disk0@version_1

Using Clone to Provision a New Domain

Once you have created a snapshot of a disk image, you can duplicate this disk image by using the ZFS clone command. Then the cloned image can be assigned to another domain. Cloning a boot disk image quickly creates a boot disk for a new guest domain without having to perform the entire Solaris OS installation process.

For example, if the disk0 created was the boot disk of domain ldg1, do the following to clone that disk to create a boot disk for domain ldg2.

primary# zfs create ldmpool/ldg2
primary# zfs clone ldmpool/ldg1/disk0@version_1 ldmpool/ldg2/disk0

Then ldompool/ldg2/disk0 can be exported as a virtual disk and assigned to the new ldg2 domain. The domain ldg2 can directly boot from that virtual disk without having to go through the OS installation process.

Cloning a Boot Disk Image

When a boot disk image is cloned, the new image is exactly the same as the original boot disk, and it contains any information that has been stored on the boot disk before the image was cloned, such as the host name, the IP address, the mounted file system table, or any system configuration or tuning.

Because the mounted file system table is the same on the original boot disk image and on the cloned disk image, the cloned disk image has to be assigned to the new domain in the same order as it was on the original domain. For example, if the boot disk image was assigned as the first disk of the original domain, then the cloned disk image has to be assigned as the first disk of the new domain. Otherwise, the new domain is unable to boot.

If the original domain was configured with a static IP address, then a new domain using the cloned image starts with the same IP address. In that case, you can change the network configuration of the new domain by using the sys-unconfig(1M) command. To avoid this problem you can also create a snapshot of a disk image of an unconfigured system.

If the original domain was configured with the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), then a new domain using the cloned image also uses DHCP. In that case, you do not need to change the network configuration of the new domain because it automatically receives an IP address and its network configuration as it boots.

Note –

The host ID of a domain is not stored on the boot disk, but it is assigned by the Logical Domains Manager when you create a domain. Therefore, when you clone a disk image, the new domain does not keep the host ID of the original domain.

ProcedureCreate a Snapshot of a Disk Image of an Unconfigured System

  1. Bind and start the original domain.

  2. Execute the sys-unconfig command.

  3. After the sys-unconfig command completes, the domain halts.

  4. Stop and unbind the domain; do not reboot it.

  5. Take a snapshot of the domain boot disk image.

    For example:

    primary# zfs snapshot ldmpool/ldg1/disk0@unconfigured

    At this point you have the snapshot of the boot disk image of an unconfigured system.

  6. Clone this image to create a new domain which, when first booted, asks for the configuration of the system.

Using Volume Managers in a Logical Domains Environment

This section describes using volume managers in a Logical Domains environment.

Using Virtual Disks on Top of Volume Managers

Any Zettabyte File System (ZFS), Solaris Volume Manager (SVM), or Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) volume can be exported from a service domain to a guest domain as a virtual disk. A volume can be exported either as a single slice disk (if the slice option is specified with the ldm add-vdsdev command) or as a full disk.

Note –

The remainder of this section uses an SVM volume as an example. However, the discussion also applies to ZFS and VxVM volumes.

The following examples show how to export a volume as a single slice disk.

The virtual disk in the guest domain (for example, /dev/dsk/c0d2s0) is directly mapped to the associated volume (for example, /dev/md/dsk/d0), and data stored onto the virtual disk from the guest domain are directly stored onto the associated volume with no extra metadata. So data stored on the virtual disk from the guest domain can also be directly accessed from the service domain through the associated volume.


Using Virtual Disks on Top of SVM

When a RAID or mirror SVM volume is used as a virtual disk by another domain, then it has to be exported without setting the exclusive (excl) option. Otherwise, if there is a failure on one of the components of the SVM volume, then the recovery of the SVM volume using the metareplace command or using a hot spare does not start. The metastat command sees the volume as resynchronizing, but the resynchronization does not progress.

For example, /dev/md/dsk/d0 is a RAID SVM volume exported as a virtual disk with the excl option to another domain, and d0 is configured with some hot-spare devices. If a component of d0 fails, SVM replaces the failing component with a hot spare and resynchronizes the SVM volume. However, the resynchronization does not start. The volume is reported as resynchronizing, but the resynchronization does not progress.

# metastat d0
d0: RAID
    State: Resyncing
    Hot spare pool: hsp000
    Interlace: 32 blocks
    Size: 20097600 blocks (9.6 GB)
Original device:
    Size: 20100992 blocks (9.6 GB)
Device                                     Start Block  Dbase   State Reloc
c2t2d0s1                                           330  No       Okay  Yes
c4t12d0s1                                          330  No       Okay  Yes
/dev/dsk/c10t600C0FF0000000000015153295A4B100d0s1  330  No  Resyncing  Yes

In such a situation, the domain using the SVM volume as a virtual disk has to be stopped and unbound to complete the resynchronization. Then the SVM volume can be resynchronized using the metasync command.

# metasync d0

Using Virtual Disks When VxVM Is Installed

When the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) is installed on your system, and if Veritas Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) is enabled on a physical disk or partition you want to export as virtual disk, then you have to export that disk or partition without setting the (non-default) excl option. Otherwise, you receive an error in /var/adm/messages while binding a domain that uses such a disk.

vd_setup_vd():  ldi_open_by_name(/dev/dsk/c4t12d0s2) = errno 16
vds_add_vd():  Failed to add vdisk ID 0

You can check if Veritas DMP is enabled by checking multipathing information in the output of the command vxdisk list; for example:

# vxdisk list Disk_3
Device:    Disk_3
devicetag: Disk_3
type:      auto
info:      format=none
flags:     online ready private autoconfig invalid
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/Disk_3s2 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/Disk_3s2
guid:      -
udid:      SEAGATE%5FST336753LSUN36G%5FDISKS%5F3032333948303144304E0000
site:      -
Multipathing information:
numpaths:  1
c4t12d0s2  state=enabled

Alternatively, if Veritas DMP is enabled on a disk or a slice that you want to export as a virtual disk with the excl option set, then you can disable DMP using the vxdmpadm command. For example:

# vxdmpadm -f disable path=/dev/dsk/c4t12d0s2

Using Volume Managers on Top of Virtual Disks

This section describes using volume managers on top of virtual disks.

Using ZFS on Top of Virtual Disks

Any virtual disk can be used with ZFS. A ZFS storage pool (zpool) can be imported in any domain that sees all the storage devices that are part of this zpool, regardless of whether the domain sees all these devices as virtual devices or real devices.

Using SVM on Top of Virtual Disks

Any virtual disk can be used in the SVM local disk set. For example, a virtual disk can be used for storing the SVM metadevice state database, metadb(1M), of the local disk set or for creating SVM volumes in the local disk set.

Any virtual disk whose backend is a SCSI disk can be used in a SVM shared disk set, metaset(1M). Virtual disks whose backends are not SCSI disks cannot be added into a SVM share disk set. Trying to add a virtual disk whose backend is not a SCSI disk into a SVM shared disk set fails with an error similar to the following.

# metaset -s test -a c2d2
metaset: domain1: test: failed to reserve any drives

Using VxVM on Top of Virtual Disks

For VxVM support in guest domains, refer to the VxVM documentation from Symantec.