Writing Device Drivers

System Power Management Model

This section describes the details of the System Power Management model. The model includes the following components:

Autoshutdown Threshold

The system may be shut down (powered off) automatically after a configurable period of idleness. This period is known as the autoshutdown threshold. This behavior may be suppressed.

Busy State

There are several ways to measure the busy state of the system. The currently supported built-in metrics are keyboard characters, mouse activity, tty characters, load average, disk reads, and NFS requests. Any one of theses metrics may make the system busy. In addition to the built-in metrics, an interface is defined for running a user-specified process that may indicate that the system is busy.

Hardware State

Devices that export a reg property are considered to have hardware state that must be saved prior to shutting down the system. If a device does not have a reg property, then it is considered to be stateless. However, this consideration can be overridden by the device driver.

A device that has hardware state but no reg property (such as a SCSI target driver, which has hardware at the other end of the SCSI bus), is called to save and restore its state if it exports a pm-hardware-state property with the value needs-suspend-resume. Otherwise, the lack of a reg property is taken to mean that the device has no hardware state. For information on device properties, see "Device Attribute Representations".

A device that has a reg property but no hardware state may export a pm-hardware-state property with the value no-suspend-resume to keep the framework from calling into the driver to save and restore that state. For more information on Power Management properties, see the pm_props(9E) man page.


The system will be shut down if the following conditions apply:

Entry Points Used by System Power Management

System power management passes the command DDI_SUSPEND to the detach(9E) driver entry point to request the driver to save the device hardware state. It passes the command DDI_RESUME to the attach(9E) driver entry point to request the driver to restore the device hardware state. If a device has a reg property or a pm-hardware-state property with a value of needs-suspend-resume, then the framework calls into the driver's detach(9E) entry point to allow the driver to save the hardware state of the device to memory so that it can be restored after the system power returns.


	int detach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_detach_cmd_t cmd);

To process the DDI_SUSPEND command, detach(9E) must do the following:

If, for some reason, the driver is not able to suspend the device and save its state to memory, then it must return DDI_FAILURE, and the framework aborts the system power management operation.

Dump requests must be honored. The framework uses the dump(9E) entry point to write out the state file containing the contents of memory. See dump(9E) for restrictions imposed on the device driver when using this entry point.

Note -

The entry point dump(9E) was previously used only for writing kernel crash dumps to disk. It is now also used to write out the state file containing the information necessary to restore the system to its state prior to a system power management suspend.

If the device implements a power-manageable component zero, the device may already have been suspended and powered off using the command DDI_PM_SUSPEND when its detach(9E) entry point is called with the DDI_SUSPEND command. The additional processing necessary in this case is to cancel pending timeouts and suppress the call to ddi_dev_is_needed(9F) until the device is resumed by a call to attach(9E) with a command of DDI_RESUME. The driver must keep sufficient track of its state to be able to deal appropriately with this possibility.

Example 8-4 shows an example of a detach(9E) routine with the DDI_SUSPEND command implemented.

Example 8-4 detach(9E) Routine Showing the Use of DDI_SUSPEND

xxdetach(devinfo_t *dip, ddi_detach_cmd_t cmd)
 	struct xxstate *xsp;
	 int	instance;

 	instance = ddi_get_instance(dip);
 	xsp = ddi_get_soft_state(statep, instance);

 	switch (cmd) {
 	case DDI_DETACH:
	   	see chapter 5, Autoconfiguration for discussion

	  	   xsp->xx_suspended = 1;	/* stop new operations */
	  	   if (!xsp->xx_pm_suspended) {
			    * This code assumes that we'll get a cv_broadcast when
			    * we're no longer busy
			   while(xsp->xx_busy)	/* wait for pending ops */
					   cv_wait(&xsp->xx_busy_cv, &xsp->mu);
			Save device register contents into xsp->xx_device_state
				 * If a callback is outstanding which cannot be 
				 * cancelled then either wait for the callback
				 * to complete or fail the suspend request
			this section is optional, only needed if the driver maintains a running 	
			timeout (but be sure to drop the  mutex in any case)
			   /* cancel timeouts */
			   if (xsp->xx_timeout_id) {
				    timeout_id_t temp_timeout_id = xsp->xx_timeout_id;
				    xsp->xx_timeout_id = 0;
			   } else {
	     	} else {
	    	see Example 8-2 


	int attach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_attach_cmd_t cmd);

When power is restored to the system, each device with a reg property or with a pm-hardware-state property of value needs-suspend-resume has its attach(9E) entry point called with a command value of DDI_RESUME. If the system shutdown was aborted for some reason, each driver that was suspended is called to resume, even though the power has not been shut off. Consequently, the resume code in attach(9E) must make no assumptions about the state of the hardware; it may or may not have lost power.

The resume code must restore the hardware state from the saved image in memory (possibly including reloading firmware), reregister any necessary timeouts, and unblock any pending requests.

Example 8-5 shows an example of an attach(9E) routine with the DDI_RESUME command.

Example 8-5 attach(9E) Routine Showing the Use of DDI_RESUME

xxattach(devinfo_t *dip, ddi_attach_cmd_t cmd)
	   struct xxstate *xsp;
  	int	instance;

 	instance = ddi_get_instance(dip);
 	xsp = ddi_get_soft_state(statep, instance);

 	switch (cmd) {
 	case DDI_ATTACH:
	    	see chapter 5, Autoconfiguration, for discussion

 	case DDI_RESUME:
	     	if (!xsp->xx_pm_suspended) {
			    Restore device register contents from xsp->xx_device_state}
			    this section is optional, only needed if the driver maintains a running timeout
			    /* restart timeouts */
			    xsp->xx_timeout_id = timeout({...});
	  	   xsp->xx_suspended = 0;	/* allow new operations */

	    	see Example 8-3	   default:

Note -

The detach(9E) and attach(9E) interfaces may also be used to resume a system that has been quiesced.

Device Access

If power management is supported, and detach(9E) and attach(9E) have code such as shown in the previous examples, the code fragment in Example 8-6 can be used where device access is about to be made to the device from user context (for example, in read(2), write(2), ioctl(2)).

In the following example, it is assumed that the operation about to be performed requires a component component that is operating at power level level.

Example 8-6 Device Access

 * Because multiple threads may come through this code
 * simultaneously and ddi_dev_is_needed() does not
 * atomically set the power level and trigger the attach
 * call with DDI_PM_RESUME, a lot of checking is done here
	* prevent us from being powered down again immediately
	* due to still being idle
pm_busy_component(dip, component);
do {
		  * Block commands if/while device suspended via DDI_SUSPEND
			  cv_wait(&xsp->cv, &xsp->mu);
		 /* system may have been power cycled here */
		 if (xsp->xx_power_level[component] < level) {
			   * Drop mutex because ddi_dev_is_needed will result in
			   * a call back into our power and/or attach routine
			   ddi_dev_is_needed(dip, component, level);
		 * Block commands if device still suspended with
		 * DDI_PM_SUSPEND; because we had to drop the mutex to
		 * call ddi_dev_is_needed we may be executing in a
		 * thread that came in after the power level was raised
		 * but before attach was called with DDI_PM_RESUME
			  cv_wait(&xsp->cv, &xsp->mu);
		 * Because we may have dropped the lock in the cv_wait,
		 * we could have gotten a DDI_SUSPEND request, or we could
		 * have found the power level high enough on the way in
		 * but got powered down after we checked it, so we have
		 * to check everything over again (except the
		 * xx_pm_suspended state that we checked in the last
		 * while loop) because any of the things we tested before
		 * may have changed when we dropped the mutex

} while(xsp->xx_suspended || xsp->xx_power_level[component]
				< level);
check for busy, initiate commands, and so on
when command completes and there are no more commands pending
pm_idle_component(dip, component);