Linker and Libraries Guide

Simple Resolutions

These symbol resolutions are by far the most common, and result when two symbols with similar characteristics are detected and one symbol takes precedence over the other. This symbol resolution is carried out silently by the link-editor. For example, for symbols with the same binding, a reference to an undefined symbol from one file is bound to, or satisfied by, a defined or tentative symbol definition from another file. Or, a tentative symbol definition from one file is bound to a defined symbol definition from another file.

Symbols that undergo resolution can have either a global or weak binding. Weak bindings have less precedence than global binding, so symbols with different bindings are resolved according to a slight alteration of the basic rules. But first, it is worth introducing how weak symbols can be produced.

Weak symbols can be defined individually or as aliases to global symbols using a pragma definition:

$ cat main.c
#pragma weak    bar
#pragma weak    foo = _foo
int             bar = 1;
        return (bar);
$ cc -o main.o -c main.c
$ nm -x main.o
[Index]   Value      Size      Type  Bind  Other Shndx   Name
[7]     |0x00000000|0x00000004|OBJT |WEAK |0x0  |3      |bar
[8]     |0x00000000|0x00000028|FUNC |WEAK |0x0  |2      |foo
[9]     |0x00000000|0x00000028|FUNC |GLOB |0x0  |2      |_foo

Notice that the weak alias foo is assigned the same attributes as the global symbol _foo. This relationship is maintained by the link-editor and results in the symbols being assigned the same value in the output image. In symbol resolution, weak defined symbols are silently overridden by any global definition of the same name.

Another form of simple symbol resolution occurs between relocatable objects and shared objects, or between multiple shared objects, and is termed interposition. In these cases, a symbol that is multiply defined, the relocatable object, or the first definition between multiple shared objects, is silently taken by the link-editor. The relocatable object's definition, or the first shared object's definition, is said to interpose on all other definitions. This interposition can be used to override the functionality provided by one shared object, by a dynamic executable or another shared object.

The combination of weak symbols and interposition provides a very useful programming technique. For example, the standard C library provides several services that you are allowed to redefine. However, ANSI C defines a set of standard services that must be present on the system and cannot be replaced in a strictly conforming program.

The function fread(3S), for example, is an ANSI C library function, whereas the system function read(2) is not. A conforming ANSI C program must be able to redefine read(2) and still use fread(3S) in a predictable way.

The problem here is that read(2) underlies the fread(3S) implementation in the standard C library, therefore it would seem that a program that redefines read(2) might confuse the fread(3S) implementation. To guard against this, ANSI C states that an implementation cannot use a name that is not reserved for it, and by using the pragma directive shown below:

#pragma weak read = _read

you can define just such a reserved name, and from it generate an alias for the function read(2). Thus, you can quite freely define your own read() function without compromising the fread(3S) implementation, which in turn is implemented to use the _read() function.

The link-editor will not complain of your redefinition of read(), either when linking against the shared object or archive version of the standard C library. In the former case, interposition takes its course, whereas in the latter case, the fact that the C library's definition of read(2) is weak allows it to be quietly overridden.

By using the link-editor's -m option, a list of all interposed symbol references, along with section load address information, is written to the standard output.