NFS Administration Guide

How to Enable WebNFS Access

Starting with the 2.6 release, by default all file systems that are available for NFS mounting are automatically available for WebNFS access. The only time that this procedure needs to be followed is on servers that do not already allow NFS mounting, if resetting the public file handle is useful to shorten NFS URLs, or if the -index option is required.

  1. Edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

    Add one entry to the file for the file system that you want to have shared automatically. The -index tag is optional.

    share -F nfs -o ro,public,index=index.html /export/ftp
  2. Check that the NFS service is running on the server.

    If this is the first share command or set of share commands that you have initiated, it is likely that the NFS daemons are not running. The following commands kill and restart the daemons.

    # /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
    # /etc/init.d/nfs.server start
  3. Share the file system.

    After the entry is in /etc/dfs/dfstab, the file system can be shared by either rebooting the system or by using the shareall command. If the NFS daemons were restarted in step 2, then this command does not need to be run because the script runs the command.

    # shareall
  4. Verify that the information is correct.

    Run the share command to check that the correct options are listed:

    # share
    -        /export/share/man   ro   ""
    -        /usr/src     rw=eng   ""
    -        /export/ftp    ro,public,index=index.html  ""