Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Library

Installing Over a Previous Installation

Solaris Web Start does not install Solaris upgrades. However, you can take a running system and install a newer Solaris release on top of it.

Caution - Caution -

Installing a Solaris release over a previous installation destroys all the software and data that was previously stored on the system disk. Depending on the size of the system disk and on what software you choose to install, Solaris Web Start may also destroy existing data on other disks.

  1. Insert the Solaris CD into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Get your system to the ok prompt.

    On SPARCTM systems, you can do this by holding down the L1 or Stop key while pressing the A key.

  3. Type boot cdrom - browser

    Note that there are spaces both before and after the hyphen.

  4. Confirm that you want to install over existing software.

    When Solaris Web Start detects that operating system software already exists on your machine, it asks you to confirm that you want to install new software over it.

    [1] Reinstall everything using Solaris Web Start.
    [2] Upgrade software using Solaris Interactive Installation.
    Type 1 or 2, then press the Return key=>
  5. Proceed as follows, depending on which mode you're using.

    • If you're using local mode, got to step 8.

    • If you're using client-server mode, go to step 6.

  6. Provide system identification information as requested.

    A system identification tool asks you to supply system and network information about the machine you're adding to the network.

    Eventually, Solaris Web Start issues a notice that your machine lacks graphical support.

    You cannot run Solaris Web Start on this system - it
    requires a bitmapped graphics display.
    You have two options:
    [1] Continue running Solaris Web Start using a browser window on
        another machine connected over the network. 
    [2] Run a standard Solaris interactive installation.
  7. Confirm you want to proceed with Solaris Web Start.

    Type the appropriate option number and then press the Return or Enter key.

  8. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    If you're running Solaris Web Start in client-server mode, you'll be prompted to supply an authentication password, and then told to access Solaris Web Start by pointing your web browser at the proper location.

    If you're running Solaris Web Start in local mode, a browser window appears on your computer's screen.