OpenWindows Advanced User's Guide

G.5.3 Mounting a PCMCIA Memory Card

    Mount a PCMCIA memory card with a UNIX file system by typing:

    # mount mount_directory device_name

    If there is no /mnt directory, type:

    example# mkdir /mnt

    For example, to mount a UNIX file system in the /mnt directory on a disk drive with an assigned address of c1t6d0s2, type:

    example# mount /dev/dsk/c1t6d0s2  /mnt

    Mount a PCMCIA memory card with a MS-DOS file system by typing:

    # mount -F pcfs mount_directory device_name

    If there is no /pcfs directory, type:

    example# mkdir /pcfs

    For example, to mount an MS-DOS file system in the /pcfs directory on a disk drive with an assigned address of c1t6d0s2, type:

    example# mount -F pcfs  /dev/dsk/c1t6d0s2  /pcfs