Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Motif Transition Guide

OPEN LOOK Versus Solaris Motif Toolkits

When you compare an OPEN LOOK application with its Solaris Motif counterpart, a few contrasting visual elements are immediately apparent. For example, the OPEN LOOK buttons are round whereas the Solaris Motif buttons are square. The shading applied to buttons and other objects for a three-dimensional appearance are also different. Although such cosmetic elements do not affect a program's behavior, and can often be disregarded when porting, your application will not be CDE style-guide compliant if you deviate from the CDE look.

Several differences are often significant in a conversion effort. The most critical of these features and other GUI elements are summarized in three sections:

See the Preface for a list of style guides and other references that describe the OPEN LOOK and Solaris Motif GUIs.

See Appendix A, User Interaction Changes for a more detailed list of the user interaction changes from OPEN LOOK to CDE.

Features Only in the OPEN LOOK User Interface

The following features are found in the OPEN LOOK user interface and are implemented in XView or OLIT (or both) but do not appear in Solaris Motif:

Features Only in the Solaris Motif User Interface

The following features are found in Solaris Motif and not in the OPEN LOOK user interface:

Notable Implementation Differences Between Toolkits

Many features are roughly equivalent in the OPEN LOOK user interface and Solaris Motif but have significant implementation differences. The following are the most important differences:

Other significant differences include the following:

The remainder of this section provides information on some of these features.

Tear-off Menus

In Solaris Motif, tear-off menus replace the pinned menus of the OPEN LOOK user interface. Selecting the dashed line on the top of the menu "tears-off" the menu.

Secondary Text Selection

The OPEN LOOK secondary text selection is roughly analogous to the Motif quick transfer mechanism.

Window Controls

One of the most critical implementation differences involves window controls. When the Motif user presses the Window menu button in the upper left corner of the title bar, or the OPEN LOOK user presses the MENU button anywhere on the window background (including the header), a menu is displayed. The options offered under the two GUIs introduce a key contrast.

The Motif Window menu offers a choice of Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize, Lower, and Close. The OPEN LOOK base Window menu offers Close, Full Size, Properties, Back, Refresh, and Quit. The two lists are fundamentally the same, but have very different effects.

In the OPEN LOOK user interface, the Close option minimizes (iconifies) the window, and Quit terminates the application.

In Motif, the Minimize option minimizes the window, and the Close option terminates the application. Many users familiar with the OPEN LOOK user interface have found themselves exiting a Motif program when their intent was to close its window to an icon.

Mouse Button Behavior

The structure of the mouse buttons is very similar in both specifications; however, the difference is significant enough to cause some confusion.

Table 5-1 shows the default left-to-right mapping of the three OPEN LOOK mouse buttons.

Table 5-1 OPEN LOOK Mouse Buttons




Specifies an object or manipulates objects and controls, drag 


Extends or reduces the number of selected objects 


Displays a menu associated with the pointer location or 

specified object 

The three Motif mouse button assignments, described in Table 5-2 , also start by default with the left mouse button.

Table 5-2 Motif Mouse Buttons




Selects, activates, and sets the location cursor, drag 


Moves and copies elements, drag and drop transfer. Can be customized to be the OPEN LOOK Adjust button. 


Displays menus