Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Motif Transition Guide

Differences Between XView and Solaris Motif

XView abstracts a number of other X11 functions that Motif (Xt) does not. In order to get equivalent functionality in Motif, these must be re-coded with direct Xlib calls.

The XView packages with no Motif equivalents are:

Additionally, no Solaris Motif equivalent exists for the OPEN LOOK user interface functionality that splits windows into different views. To implement this function, you must subclass one of the Motif Manager widgets.

Some XView functions can be coded with the Motif/Xt API; however, these APIs are significantly different, and require complete redesign and recoding. These functions are:

XView API 


Selection service 

Xt selection API 

Drop target package 

Motif drag-and-drop API [If you are porting to CDE, use the CDE drag-and-drop API. It is an extension of the Motif 1.2 drag-and-drop API and is easier to use.]


Xt event management API