KCMS Test Suite User's Guide

Script Command Format

A single script command consists of the command name (including the colon), followed by one or more keyword/value pairs. A keyword is separated from its value by an equal sign (=). Each keyword/value pair ends with a semicolon(;).

The basic script command format is shown below:

COMMAND_NAME:keyword=value; keyword=value;

You can free-format test scripts. That is, you can insert any whitespace character into any script command.

Example 2-2 shows an actual test script that demonstrates some of the script commands and their associated keywords and values.

Example 2-2 Sample Test Script Showing Commands

Profile=mtk600zs.inp; Handling=File; LoadHint=AllNow; LOAD:Reference=monitor;

Profile=sony16.mon; Handling=File; LoadHint=AllNow; CONNECT:NAME=scan-mon;    

 Count=2;      Reference=scanner;      Reference=monitor;     

Operation=FORWARD; EVAL:Reference=scan-mon;     

SourcePixLayout=RGBInterLeaved;      DestPixLayout=RGBInterLeaved;     

Callbacks=;      ImageIn=rhg_mtek600;      ImageOut=rhg_mon.tst;     

Operation=Forward; FREE:Reference=scanner; FREE:Reference=monitor;
