KCMS Test Suite User's Guide

Command Line Options -i, -h, -s

From the command line, you can enter various options to the kcmstest command. Three frequently used options are -i, -h, and -s.

To specify your own initialization file, you can enter its name on the command line preceded by the -i option, for example

%kcmstest -i

See "Creating An Alternate Initialization File" for details on alternate initialization files.

You can use the -s option to specify a script name (or all) and the -h option, to specify an alternate legal remote host name for scripts that test remote host access. The -h option attempts to pull a profile from the default directories on the remote host. Be sure that host has these directories and profiles.

The following example specifies the alternate initialization file alternate.ini, the script IC_attrl.scr, and the alternate host name dusk:

%kcmstest -i
alternate.ini -s IC_attrl.scr -h dusk

The example below defaults to using the icc.ini file:

%kcmstest -s

In this example, if any of the scripts in the icc.ini file access a remote host, the host name will be NULL and the scripts will fail.