KCMS Test Suite User's Guide

Load Hints Test

Script Name



IC_lhints.scr loads profiles, varying the load hints applied. It performs subsequent operations, verifying that all parts of a profile required for an operation get automatically loaded if they were not specified in the load hints.


This script demonstrates that the KCMS framework can perform a LOAD: command with a variety of load hints applied. The script performs additional functions to verify the automatic loading of profiles. For example, when a profile is loaded specifying attributes only, it is expected that a CONNECT: command can complete successfully without having to manually load the remainder of the profile. The type of profiles loaded vary (monitor, printer, scanner, color space). The load hints are broken down into categories similar to the ones in the KCMS Application Developer's Guide (that is, what, how, when, and where to load and unload a profile). The script mixes these various load hint categories and loads several profiles. After these operations are completed all the profiles are freed from memory.

Note -

The operation load hints forward, reverse, simulate, and gamut have no effect in the LOAD: command. Unless attributes only is specified, all available transformations are loaded. Even if attributes only is specified, KcsConnectProfiles()()automatically loads all the transformations. This is provided, however, for CMM developers who provide these capabilities in their CMMs.

The script performs the following operation sequence:

  1. It loads scanner and monitor profiles specifying various load hints. It attempts to connect the profiles.

  2. It loads scanner and printer profiles, specifying load when needed, unload when needed, and the image content hint settings. It attempts to connect the profiles, specifying the forward transformation. It verifies that the profile can be connected.

  3. It loads monitor and printer profiles, specifying the graphics content hint. It connects the profiles, specifying forward and graphics. It evaluates an image using this complete transformation and verifies success.

  4. It loads scanner and monitor profiles, specifying the content unknown hint. It connects the profiles, specifying forward and unknown. It evaluates using this complete transformation and verifies success.

  5. It loads a PhotoCD profile, specifying attributes only. It gets all the profile attributes.

  6. It loads scanner, monitor, and printer profiles, specifying the content unknown hint. It creates complete transformations for each of the following paths and evaluates using these transformations:

    1. scanner ->printer (forward)

    2. printer -> monitor reverse)

    3. monitor->printer->monitor (simulate)

To save disk space, it does not output the images resulting from the EVAL: commands. This can be changed if you have enough disk space on your system. See "EVAL: Keywords and Values" (ImageOut= keyword) for details on how to save the resulting image.

Note -

To date, profiles with an image, graphics, or a content unknown hint are not available. Since image, graphics, and colorimetric content hints execute the same code anyway, these tests should complete successfully. This is provided, however, for CMM developers who provide this functionality in their CMMs.


All commands are expected to return successfully.