KCMS Test Suite User's Guide

Load Many

Script Name



IC_lmany.scr performs many loads but with few profiles in memory at any one time. It confirms that subsequent profile-related operations can be performed successfully.


This script demonstrates that the KCMS framework can load many profiles in succession while the framework continues to operate without error. The type of profiles loaded vary (monitor, printer, scanner, color space), and the profiles are loaded with the AllNow load hint. (See Table 3-11 for the LOAD: command LoadHint= keyword values and the corresponding load hints.) In general, the script simply loads the profiles and immediately frees them. After loading and freeing 100 profiles, it loads more profiles, connects them, and evaluates some images. Then it frees the profiles with the FREE: command.


Each command is expected to return a successful status. Examine the test images output by the EVAL: command. Do not make color quality evaluations unless you have the appropriate devices to do so.