KCMS Test Suite User's Guide

Evaluate Layout

Script Name



IC_layouts.scr evaluates images with the organization of the image data varied. The image organizations tested are: RGB row interleaved, RGB interleaved, and RGB planar. kcmstest is responsible for organizing the image data in the specified format. The script processes graphic images and saves the output for later evaluation. In all cases, the output images should be saved in RGB interleaved image organization so they can be examined after the test is completed.


This script demonstrates that the KCMS framework can successfully perform the EVAL: command under varying input and output conditions. First the script loads several profiles and uses the CONNECT: command is to create forward, simulate test, and reverse profiles. Test images are passed through these profiles, exercising various image organizations specified for the input image. After these operations are completed, all the profiles are freed from memory.


Each command is expected to return successfully. As a post-test exercise, you can examine each of the images output from the EVAL: command as additional verification that the evaluate layout tests completed successfully.