KCMS CMM Developer's Guide

Creating a KcsIO Object

As a result of the call to KcsLoadProfile()() the framework creates a KcsIO object. Figure 3-3 illustrates how the KcsLoadProfile()() API call is implemented. The legend indicates the source of each call (KCMS "C" API layer, framework, "C" wrapper). In addition, the legend shows where the OWconfig file and the loadable CMM module fit into the overall scheme of loading the profile to creating a KcsIO object.

Looking ahead for a moment, Figure 3-4 , Figure 3-5 , and Figure 3-6 show the progression of framework calls that ultimately load the profile as chunks of data and return the profile Id to the calling application.

Returning now to Figure 3-3, the KCMS framework and the dynamic loading mechanism perform the following task sequence when KcsLoadProfile()() is called:

  1. The framework gets a new profile Id. The framework maintains a dynamically allocated global array of profiles. The getNewValidProfileIndex()() method allocates a new profile entry.

  2. The framework creates a KcsIO pointer. (All profiles access their data using the KcsIO independent access mechanism.) The KcsIO pointer is created based on the type field of the KcsProfileDesc structure pointer passed in from KcsLoadProfile()().

    Two externally available types are built into the libkcs library, KcsFile and KcsMemoryBlock. A third derivative, KcsRemoteFile, is used with the KcsSolarisFile and KcsXWindow classes. In this particular example, KcsSolarisFile is not built into the libkcs library, so the dynamic loading mechanism creates one.

  3. The dynamic loading mechanism turns the KcsProfileDesc->type structure pointer field into a 4-character string and searches entries in the OWconfig file for the entries that correspond to loadable KcsIO classes. If it finds a match, it dynamically loads the KcsIO module. This action supplies the framework with a shared object to load. (See "KcsIO Example" for details.)

    The KcsIO module contains calls to a list of known function names. The framework uses dlsym(3X) to bring these functions into the framework to create and load a pointer to a KcsIO derivative.

  4. Once the KcsSolarisFile object pointer is loaded, the framework uses the fileName, hostName, and open(2) arguments to search for the profile. First, it checks the hostName to see if the file is on a local or remote machine. Depending on the location, the KcsSolarisFile object reuses the existing KcsIO class derivatives.

    If the file is on a local machine, the fileName is opened using open(2), and a KcsFile object pointer is created. If, however, the file is located on a remote machine, the fileName and hostName are passed to KcsRemoteFile and a KcsRemoteFile object pointer is created.

    As shown in Example 3-2 , the KcsFile or KcsRemoteFile pointer that the KcsSolarisFile file object contains is then used to override the KcsIO methods of the same name.

    Example 3-2 Overriding KcsIO Methods With KcsSolarisFile

    // Just call myIO
    version of the call KcsStatus KcsSolarisFile::relRead(const long aBytesWanted,
    void *aBuffer, const char *aCallersName) {     KcsStatus status;      status =
    myIO->relRead(aBytesWanted, aBuffer, aCallersName);     return (status);