KCMS CMM Developer's Guide

Removing Entries

The following is an example of how to remove a configuration entry from the OWconfig file. Sample user responses are enclosed in brackets ([]).

Example 2-2 Removing An OWconfig File Entry

ATTENTION:You must be

root to update the OWconfig file. Are you inserting an OWconfig entry? y/n 

[n]  To remove an OWconfig entry:  Enter the unique class name for your module

for removal from the OWconfig file. The class name would be in the form

XXX_IO, XXX_Prof, XXX_Pfrmt, or XXX_Stat  [KCS_Prof]  Enter the unique cmm

name for your module for removal from the OWconfig file.  [dndp]  This is the

OWconfig entry to remove. OK? y/n  class = KCS_Prof name = dndp  [y]  Do you

have more entries to remove? y/n  [n]

The OWconfig_sample program removes the last entry in the OWconfig file.

Try removing the entry you inserted following Example 2-1 :

  1. Run the OWconfig_sample program again. Be sure you are root.

    See "Updating the OWconfig File " .

  2. Fill in the user responses shown in Example 2-2 .

  3. Check the OWconfig file.

    The entry should no longer appear at the end of the file.