Federated Naming Service Programming Guide

Relational Operators

Table 2-7 contains descriptions of the relational operators. Comparisons and ordering are specific to the syntax or rules of the supplied attribute.

Locale (code set, language or territory) mismatches that occur during string comparisons and ordering operations are resolved in an implementation-dependent way. Relational operations that have ordering semantics may be used for strings of locales in which ordering is meaningful, but is not of general use in internationalized environments.

An attribute that occurs in the absence of any relational operator tests for the presence of the attribute.

Table 2-7 Relational Operators in Search Filter Expressions




The sub-expression is TRUE if at least one value of the specified attribute is equal to the supplied value. 


The sub-expression is TRUE if no values of the specified attribute equal the supplied value. 


The sub-expression is TRUE if at least one value of the attribute is greater than or equal to the supplied value. 

The sub-expression is TRUE if at least one value of the attribute is greater then the supplied value. 


The sub-expression is TRUE if at least one value of the attribute is less than or equal to the supplied value. 

The sub-expression is TRUE if at least one value of the attribute is less than the supplied value. 


The sub-expression is TRUE if at least one value of the specified attribute matches the supplied value according to some context-specific approximate matching criterion. This criterion must subsume strict equality.