Federated Naming Service Programming Guide

Wildcarded Strings

A wildcarded string consists of a sequence of alternating wildcard specifiers and strings. The sequence can start with either a wildcard specifier or a string, and end with either a wildcard specifier or a string.

The wildcard specifier is denoted by the asterisk character (*) and means 0 or more occurrences of any character.

Wildcarded strings can be used to specify substring matches. Table 2-8 contains examples of wildcarded strings and their meaning.

Table 2-8 Examples of Wildcarded Strings

Wildcarded String 



Any string 


The string tom


Any string starting with harv


Any string ending with ing


Any string starting with a and ending with b


The string a*b


Any string starting with jo, and containing the substring ph, and which contains the substring ne in the portion of the string following ph, and which ends with er


Any string starting with the supplied string 


Any string starting with bix and ending with the supplied string