Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide

<<annotation text>>

Annotation: Provides an explanatory note or comment within an example (<ex> tag).


<ex [side | stack]>
text of the example ...<<annotation text >>


Default. Places the annotation to the right of the example text and on the same line as the first line of the example.


Places the annotation below the example text.

Enclose the text of an annotation in double angle brackets, as follows: << this is the annotation text>>. An annotation can only be used within an <ex> tag. The side and stack parameters of the <ex> tag can be used to position the annotation in relation to the example text.

To insert a blank line in an annotation, use a space followed by an empty annotation, wordspace <<>>.


The following markup uses the default side placement for the annotation:

 Login: <<Enter your name>>

It produces:

Login: Enter your name

The following markup uses the stack parameter to accommodate a long annotation:

<ex stack>
 Quarterly Sales Reports
<<Q1: January, February, March Q2: April, May, June Q3: July, August, 
September Q4: October, November, December>>

It produces:
