Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide

To Create a Link Using <link>

    To jump to a topic within the same volume, use the <link> element as shown:

<link id>text<\link> 

Where id is an ID declared somewhere in the help volume, and text is the portion of your help text that is underlined to indicate it is an active hyperlink.


Here is the previous example using the <link> element instead of the <xref> element.

<s1 id=colorpalettes>Desktop Color Palettes
 To learn how to change the colors used on your desktop,
 refer to <link colorpalettes>Desktop Color Palettes<\link>.

To Create a Link to a Predefined ID

    To jump to a topic (within the same volume) that has a predefined ID, use the <link> element as shown:

<link hyperlink="id">text<\link> 

All the predefined IDs start with a _ (underscore) character. So this makes it necessary to use the hyperlink= "id" form.


This link jumps to the home topic of the current volume:

Return to <link hyperlink="_hometopic">Introduction<\link>.

To Create a Link to a Topic in a Different Volume

    To jump to a topic in another help volume:

<link hyperlink="volume id" JumpNewView>text<\link> 

If the other volume is registered, the volume parameter is just the base name of the volume file. If the volume is not registered, you must include a complete path name to the volume.

The JumpNewView parameter is recommended for links to other volumes so that users realize they have jumped into another volume. The previous view remains displayed so they can see where they came from.


This link jumps to the home topic of a help volume called GeoMap:

To view a map of the United States, see <link hyperlink="GeoMap 
_hometopic"> Geography Maps <\link>.

Here's the same link, but it displays the topic in a new window:

To view a map of the United States, see <link hyperlink="GeoMap 
_hometopic" type=JumpNewView> Geography Maps <\link>.

This link jumps to the topic, DesktopKeyboardNav, in the help volume named Intromgr.

For more information, see <link hyperlink="Intromgr 
DesktopKeyboardNav">Keyboard Shortcuts for the Desktop<\link>.

If the help volume you are targeting is not registered on the desktop, then you must provide a complete path name to the volume or specify the appropriate search path in your helptag.opt file.

See Also