Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals

Peripheral Installation Overview

The table below provides a list of the common steps you perform when you add a peripheral to a system. For more detailed information on a particular step refer to the specific section this book.

To Prepare the System
  1. Verify the revision of the operating system with the uname -rs command:

    Type uname -rs :

    # uname -rs
    SunOS 5.x

    The SunOS revision is displayed.

    The Solaris system environment, to which this manual refers, includes the SunOS operating system as well as compilers and other software. To determine the Solaris system environment that corresponds with your SunOS see Table 1-1.

    Table 1-1 shows which SunOS revisions were supplied with the various releases of the Solaris operating environment.

    Table 1-1 SunOS and Corresponding Solaris Releases

    If you are running the following SunOS: 

    You are using the following Solaris system environment: 

    SunOS 5.0 

    Solaris 2.0 

    SunOS 5.1 

    Solaris 2.1 

    SunOS 5.2 

    Solaris 2.2 

    SunOS 5.3 

    Solaris 2.3 

    SunOS 5.4 

    Solaris 2.4 

    SunOS 5.5 

    Solaris 2.5 

    SunOS 5.5.1 

    Solaris 2.5.1 

    SunOS 5.6 

    Solaris 2.6 

    SunOS 5.7 

    Solaris 7 

    Note -

    If you are working in an environment other than Solaris 2.x or Solaris 7, the commands and tasks described in this manual do not apply.

    Note -

    If you are using SunOS 4.x, refer to the Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.x) Handbook for SMCC Peripherals.

  2. Create the /reconfigure file:

    # touch /reconfigure 

    The touch /reconfigure command performs the same function as the boot -r command. It allows the operating system to recognize the presence of all newly installed peripheral devices once the system is rebooted.

  3. Add a device driver, if necessary.

    If a new device driver is required, use the pkgadd command or the Software Manager tool to perform this task.

    Note -

    This task is optional; most device drivers are already part of the operating system. If a device driver is required, you would typically find a CD-ROM packaged with the new peripheral, as well as instructions on how to add the device driver. If you cannot find a CD-ROM or instructions on how to add a specific device driver, a new device driver is probably not needed. Therefore, you can skip this step.

    Note -

    Refer to the System Administration Guide and the Solaris Advanced Installation Guide for instructions on adding a device driver.