Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals

Reference Material for CD-ROM and Diskette Devices

CD-ROM and diskette file systems are mounted in default locations by Volume Management when the media is inserted. See Table 4-4 for more information. These mount points are only created and mounted if a file system is already resident on the diskette.

Table 4-4 CD-ROM and Diskette File System Mount Points

Media type 

Mount location 

State of media 



Symbolic link to mounted diskette in local diskette drive 



Mounted named diskette 



Mounted unnamed diskette 



Symbolic link to mounted CD-ROM in local CD-ROM drive 



Mounted named CD-ROM  



Mounted named CD-ROM with partitioned file system 



Mounted unnamed CD-ROM  

To inform Volume Management that a diskette with a file system has been inserted into the drive, use volcheck(1). You do not need to use this command if you are going to use fdformat(1) or eject(1).

Note -

For more information about these commands, see man Pages(1): User Commands and the System Administration Guide.

If no file system exists on the media, Volume Management provides block and character devices in the /vol file system. See Table 4-5 for the location of diskette and CD-ROM media in the /vol file system.

Note -

All releases provide a symbolic link in /vol/dev/aliases.

Table 4-5 CD-ROM and Diskette Device Locations in /vol With No File System Present

Media Type 

Device Location:  

State of Media 



Formatted unnamed diskette--block device access 



Formatted unnamed diskette--raw device access 



Unlabeled diskette--block device access 



Unlabeled diskette--raw device access 



CD-ROM--block device access 



CD-ROM--raw device access