SunVTS 3.0 User's Guide

Test Modes

Two modes of testing are available: Connection Test mode and Functional Test mode. These modes differ in their assumptions about the state of the system you are testing and your objectives.

In addition, Functional mode runs in a restricted fashion if it is invoked through the Solstice SyMON application.

Only one test mode can be selected per test session.

Connection Test Mode

In Connection Test mode, the tests determine if the devices are connected to the system you are testing and verifies that they are accessible.

Device functionality is not verified, however, you can safely run this mode when the system is online.

The limited nature of the tests in this mode makes it possible to run periodic checks for configuration verification on the system.

Functional Test Mode

In Functional Test mode, the tests fully exercise all aspects of the selected devices and their associated device drivers.

In Functional Test mode you can run a single test to verify the functionality of a single device, or run multiple tests on all system devices for full system verification.

For thorough testing, the tests use a significant portion of the system resources. For this reason, do not run critical applications on the system or use the system for production purposes while testing in Functional Test mode.

In Functional Test mode, tests expect all system resources that are associated with the device to be available for testing. If the test cannot access a device, it registers a failure. The tests do not economize on runtime, but focus on achieving complete coverage and thoroughly exercising the device.

Note -

SunVTS does not verify that the system is in a safe offline state for Functional mode testing. You must be sure that your applications and the SunVTS diagnostic will not compete for system resources. For more information regarding runtime considerations refer to "SunVTS Runtime Considerations".

Functional Test Mode via Solstice SyMON

Solstice SyMON identifies a range of hardware and system status states quickly. For example, it can monitor a major condition such as a CPU failure or a minor condition such as low swap space. You can also monitor hardware performance to detect incipient hardware failures, such as soft read errors on a disk.

Solstice SyMON has an online diagnostic interface so that you can access SunVTS when running SyMON. In this case, Functional Test mode does operational testing to find and isolate faults, while minimizing the impact on other applications and users.

When Functional Test mode is accessed from SyMON, the system may be running critical production software. The tests are sensitive to this fact and usually try to achieve as much coverage as possible within the constraints imposed. In this mode, some of the test parameters, execution options, and some system level options are fixed (have preassigned values) that cannot be changed. This ensures that the system state is not violated by selecting an option or combination of options which could trigger unsafe actions.

Table 5-1 shows the default values of the test execution options in different modes.

Table 5-1 Test Execution Options



Connection Test Mode 

Functional Test Mode 

Functional Test Mode via SyMON 


Disabled (fixed) 


Disabled (fixed) 


Disabled (fixed) 


Disabled (fixed) 

Core File 

Disabled (fixed) 


Disabled (fixed) 

Run On Error 

Disabled (fixed) 


Disabled (fixed) 

Max Passes 

1 (fixed) 

1 (fixed) 

Max Time 

0 (fixed) 

0 (fixed) 

Number of Instances 

1 (fixed) 

Dependent on the number of processors 

1 (fixed)