SunVTS 3.0 User's Guide

To Start the SunVTS Kernel (vtsk)

The vtsk command starts the SunVTS kernel. You can use command-line options (see Table 3-3 below) to control the behavior of this command.

The vtsk command-line syntax and options are listed below:

Table 3-3 The vtsk Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/vtsk [-epqsv] [-o options_file] [-f logfile_directory]




Disables the connection permission checking feature 

-f logfile_directory*

Specifies an alternative to the default logfile directory (/var/opt/SUNWvts/logs)

-o options_file

Starts the SunVTS kernel with the test options saved in the options_file; these options are saved and stored in the /var/opt/SUNWvts/options directory


Starts the SunVTS kernel, but does not probe test system devices 


Quits both the SunVTS kernel and the user interface when testing is complete 


Starts testing a selected group of tests; this flag must be used with the -o options_file flag


Displays only the version information from the SunVTS kernel, vtsk; this option does not start the vtsk daemon


* If the -f option is exercised when running SyMON, a logfile directory cannot be created.