SunVTS 3.0 Test Reference Manual

mptest Test Modes

Table 21-2 mptest Test Modes

Test Mode 


Connection Test 

The Connection test checks the current processors on the system with the original processor mask. An error is reported if they do not match. The original processor mask is set during probing, which shows the processors on system during the probe. The status of each selected processor is checked by procsesor_bind.

Functional Test 

This test mode verifies that the current processor mask is the same as that from the command line, or the same as that from the GUI/TTYUI 

 Functional mode through SyMON

If you invoke SunVTs through SyMON, the following Functional test description applies: This test verifies that the current processor mask is the same as that from the command line, or the same as that from the GUI/TTYUI