SunVTS 3.0 Test Reference Manual

pmemtest Options

Figure 25-1 pmemtest Option Menu


Refer to Table 25-1 for test parameter descriptions.

Figure 25-2 pmemtest UltraSPARC Server Option Menu


Refer to Table 25-1 for test parameter descriptions.

Table 25-1 pmemtest Options
pmemtest Options Description
 Configuration Shows the total amount of physical memory, rounded up to the nearest megabyte, probed by the SunVTs kernel.
 Amount of Memory Specifies the percent of the physical memory to be tested.
 ECC Report Threshold

Determines how many correctable ECC errors occur before they are reported as an error causing pmemtest to report a failure. A value of zero results in no report of any correctable ECC errors. The default is 2.This option is only available on UltraSPARC systems.

 Section ID

When set to -1, pmemtest will test one memory section in each pass, automatically testing each subsequent memory section as testing progresses. When set to a number other than -1, only the section specified will be tested.A section is defined by the pass and instance number settings. This option is only available on UltraSPARC systems.

 InstanceThe number of copies of pmemtest to run simultaneously on the memory you are testing.