SunVTS 3.0 Test Reference Manual

saiptest Command Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/saiptest standard_arguments -o dev=device_name, M=test_mode,B=baud_rate,Size=character_size,Stop=#of_stop_bits, Parity=parity,F=flow_control,Data=test_pattern,sp=serial_port

Table 29-3 saiptest Command Line Syntax




Specifies the asynchronous serial ports of the PCI card  

slots tested. Since there is no default, you must type a device name-either a board(saip0-12) or an individual port (term/x000-term/x007, where x is a-l): 

osaip0 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the first card 

osaip1 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the second card 

osaip2 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the third card 

osaip3 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the fourth card 

osaip4 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the fifth card 

osaip5 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the sixth card 

osaip6 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the seventh card 

osaip7 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the eighth card 

osaip8 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the ninth card 

osaip9 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the tenth card 

osaip10 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the eleventh card 

osaip11 = the 8 asynchronous serial ports in the twelfth card 



Where x is a-l and m is 0 to 7 (any of the asynchronous serial

ports in PCI card slots). 


Specifies Internal, 25_pin_loopback, or Echo_TTY test mode. 


Sets the baud rate to 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400; the default is 9600. 


Toggles the number of stop bits between 1 or 2; the default is 1. 


Sets the character size as an integer between 5 and 8. 


Specifies the parity as none, odd, or even; the default is none. 


Specifies flow control as xonoff, rtscts, or both. 


Specifies test pattern as 0x55555555, 0xAAAAAAAA, or random. 


Specifies the terminal and asynchronous serial port number, such as term/a003. 

Note -

64-bit tests are located in the sparcv9 subdirectory: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/testname. If a test is not present in this directory, then it may only be available as a 32-bit test. For more information refer to "32-Bit and 64-Bit Tests".