x86 Assembly Language Reference Manual

Load Full Pointer (lds,les, lfs, lgs, and lss)

lds{wl} 	mem[32|48], reg[16|32]
les{wl} 	mem[32|48], reg[16|32]
lfs{wl} 	mem[32|48], reg[16|32]
lgs{wl} 	mem[32|48], reg[16|32]
lss{wl} 	mem[32|48], reg[16|32]

mem[32|48] -> reg[16|32]


Reads a full pointer from memory and stores it in the specified segment register (DS, ES, FS, GS or SS) with a 16- or 32-bit offset value.


Load a 16-bit pointer from memory location 0x44444444 into the DX register:

ldsw 0x44444444, %dx

Load a 32-bit pointer from memory location 0x33333333 into the EDX register:

ldsl 0x33333333, %edx