Platform Notes: SunFDDI Adapter

Configuring the Host File

After installing the SunFDDI driver software, you must create a hostname file for the adapter's interface. You must also create both an IP address and a host name for the interface in the /etc/hosts file.

To Configure the Host File
  1. At the command line, use the grep command to search the /etc/path_to_inst file for pf or nf devices.

    For a SunFDDI PCI adapter:

    # grep pf /etc/path_to_inst
    "/pci@1f,2000/pci@2/pf@0" 0 "pf"

    In the example above, the pf@0 instance shows a SunFDDI PCI adapter installed in slot 1.

For a SunFDDI SBus adapter:

# grep nf /etc/path_to_inst
"/sbus@1f,0/SUNW,nf@1,7880" 1 "nf"

In the example above, the nf@1 instance shows a SunFDDI SBus adapter installed in slot 2.

  1. Create an /etc/hostname.pfnum or hostname.nfnum file, where num is the instance number of the interface you plan to use.

    • Do not create /etc/hostname.nfnum or hostname.pfnum files for SunFDDI adapter network interfaces you plan to leave unused.

    • The /etc/hostname.nfnum or hostname.pfnum file must contain the host name for the appropriate network interface.

    • The host name should have an IP address that will need to be entered in the /etc/hosts file.

    • The host name should be different from any other host name of any other interface, for example: /etc/hostname.hme0 and /etc/hostname.nf1 cannot share the same host name.

Using the instance example in SBus Step 1, the following example shows the /etc/hostname.nfnum files required for a system called zardoz that has a SunFDDI adapter (zardoz-11).

# cat /etc/hostname.hme0
# cat /etc/hostname.nf0

  1. Create an appropriate entry in the /etc/hosts file for each active nf or pf network interface.

    Using the previous example, you will have:

    # cat /etc/hosts
    # Internet host table
    #     localhost zardoz    loghost zardoz-11

  2. Reboot your system.