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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Command-Line Usage Guide

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Directory Server Administration Tools












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The start-ds command starts an installed directory server instance.


start-ds [options]


The start-ds command is used to start the directory server and to provide general server information.

You can run start-ds without any options, which starts the directory server as a background process. In this case, the script will not exit until the server has either started successfully or has encountered an error that prevents it from starting.

On UNIX systems, the directory server will not start if it cannot log the process ID at install-dir/logs/server.pid. Ensure that the file is writable by the user account that the directory server uses.


The start-ds command accepts an option in either its short form (for example, -N) or its long form equivalent (for example, --nodetach).

-L, --useLastKnownGoodConfig

Attempt to start using the configuration that was in place at the last successful startup (if it is available) rather than using the current active configuration.

-N, --nodetach

Start the directory server as a foreground process that does not detach from the terminal. When the directory server is running in this mode, it can be stopped by using the stop-ds command from another window, or by pressing Control+C in the terminal window in which the server is running.

-s, --systemInfo

Display general information about the system on which the directory server is installed, including the instance and installation paths, and then exit rather than attempting to start the server.

Command Input/Output Options
-Q, --quiet

Run in quiet mode. No output is generated unless a significant error occurs during the process.

General Options
-?, -H, --help

Display command-line usage information for the command and exit without making any attempt to stop or restart the directory server.

-V, --version

Display the version information for the directory server and exit rather than attempting to run this command.


The following examples show how to use the directory server commands. You can use the commands on any UNIX, Linux, or Windows system that has at least the Java SE 5 (at least Sun version 1.5.0_08, preferably the latest version of Java SE 6) runtime environment installed on its target system.

For more information, see Directory Server System Requirements in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.0 Installation Guide.

Example 23
Starting the Server

The following command starts the directory server:

$ start-ds
Example 24
Starting the Server as a Foreground Process

The following command starts the directory server as a foreground process. You can stop the directory server by running the stop-ds command from another window or by pressing Control+C in the terminal window in which the server is running.

$ start-ds -N

[25/Jul/2007:10:39:17 -0500] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458886
msg=OpenDS Directory Server 1.0.0
starting up
The Directory Server has started successfully.
Exit Codes
Exit Code
Server started successfully.
Check error. Generated from incompatible options.
Server already started.
Server must start as a detached process.
Server must start as a non-detached process.
Server must start as a Windows service.
Server must start as a detached process and it is being called from a Windows service.

The start-ds command is located at these paths:

Related Commands