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Sun Java System Directory Editor 1 2004Q4 Installation and Configuration Guide 

Chapter 1
Before You Install

Use the information provided in this chapter to prepare for the installation of Sun™ Java System Directory Editor (Directory Editor). This information is organized as follows:

Supported Software Environments

This section lists the software and environments that are compatible with Directory Editor:

Operating Systems

Directory Editor is compatible with the following operating systems:

Application Servers

Directory Editor supports any application server that supports Servlet 2.2 or later, but Directory Editor operates most efficiently with the following application servers:


Directory Editor is compatible with the following browsers:

Directory Servers

Using Directory Editor with Sun Java™ System Directory Server 5.1 or Sun ONE Directory Server provides you with enhanced functionality and optimal performance.

Recommended Directory Editor Configuration

When configuring Directory Editor, the following configurations are recommended for optimum performance and support:

This configuration list is based on input from customer configurations, support, professional services, and pre-sales.

Memory Requirements

You can determine memory requirements and set values in your application server’s JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Add the maximum and minimum heap size to the Java command line, for example:

java -Xmx128M -Xms128M


For the best performance, set these values to the same size.

Setup Task Flow

Your installation and configuration task flow will depend somewhat on which application server and database server you decide to use. In general, you will perform the following tasks:

Depending on your server types; you may combine steps, perform them in a different order, or eliminate them altogether.

Prerequisite Tasks

Before you install the software, you must perform the following tasks:

What’s Next?

Continue to Chapter 2, "Installing Directory Editor" to install and configure Directory Editor.

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Part No: 819-1078-10.   Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.