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Sun Java System Directory Editor 1 2004Q4 Installation and Configuration Guide 

Chapter 5
Working With Forms

This chapter explains how to customize the default Directory Editor forms and how to create new forms for your site. The information is organized as follows:


Directory Editor provides the following forms, which you can customize by incorporating business logic and manipulating data before presenting them to your end users:

Table 5-1  Directory Editor Forms  

Form Name:

Use this form to:


Edit Directory Editor configuration objects.

Default Browse Form

List the managed directory’s contents

Default Create Form

Create users, groups, or organizations

Default Delete Form

Delete users, groups, or organizations

Default Disable Form

Disable specific objects

Default Enable Form

Enable specific objects

Default Home Form

Configure a Home page

Default Organization Picker Form

Select organizations

Default Rename Form

Rename objects


Define domains for the directory


Define attribute values for a class of service (COS) template.


Create a list of email distribution aliases.


Add members to or remove members from a group, rename groups, search groups, export DNs to a text file, or display group memberships.


Create and edit dynamic groups.


Control user attributes and to which groups an end-user will belong.


Define localities for the directory


Create and define user attributes for organizational members


Create and define attributes for organizational units


  • You cannot edit the standard forms (those forms beginning with “Default”), but you can create a customized version of these forms by clicking the Customize button to open the form editor.
  • For information about the specific HTML components that define the default Directory Editor forms, see “Appendix A, "HTML Components Used to Define Directory Editor Forms."

How Do Forms Work?

Directory Editor forms contain rules that govern how the browser displays user view attributes on a application’s web page. These forms control:

Various factors affect how the browser displays a form. However, form behavior within a browser is primarily determined by how display components are used in the form. You can associate form fields with a display component that determines how the field is displayed in the browser.

Why Edit the Forms?

Why customize the default Directory Editor forms, which already provide all the fields that you need to perform actions within the product? Customizing the default forms allow you to better enforce your company's policies and processes:

Customizing the default fields in forms allows you to extend and customize the application for your environment. Specifically, you can customize the default forms to:

Accessing the Forms Page

If you want to customize or design a form, select the Configure tab, and then click the Forms tab. (See the following figure.)

Figure 5-1  Forms Tab

Use the Forms page to customize forms.

This page contains:

Instructions for using this page to customize the default Directory Editor forms or to create new forms for your site are provided in the following sections:

Customizing Forms

This section provides instructions and examples for customizing forms, and is organized as follows:

Opening a Form

To open a form for customizing, click the Customize or Edit button in the Action column on the Available Forms page.

A Forms page is displayed, which consists of two views:

For example, if you decided to customize the Default Create Form, the following page would display:

Figure 5-2  Default Create Form

Opening a form: Example Default Create Form

When you select elements in the Forms tree to edit, the property view interface changes so you can edit the properties associated with that element.
For more detailed information, continue to the next section.

Working with the Forms Page

This section provides instructions for working with the Forms page.

Working in Tree View

The tree view (located on the left side of the Forms page) shows a hierarchical view of the form elements. The tree lists each element in order, nesting children under their parent.

Figure 5-3  Tree View Display (Expanded)

Expanded view of a Form tree

The node icons used in the tree are based on whether the form has children, and include the following:

The tree also contains the following icons:

To customize the properties associated with each form or field element, click the node label, and the right side of the Forms page changes as follows:

Working in Property View

The property view (located on the right side of the Forms page) provides a graphical representation of the form you are customizing.

When you initially open a form for editing, the property view displays the form as it is currently configured. However, when you select an element in tree view, the property view changes so you can edit properties associated with that element.

For example, if you select the Default Create Form, the initial property view is shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4  Initial Property View: Create Form

Example property view of a Default Create Form

Then, if you select the New Object Type node in tree view, the property view changes as shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5  Property View: Editing New Object Type Element

Example property view when editing a field property

When you are editing elements, the property view contains two tabs:

After changing form elements in property view, if you select the Form node in tree view, the property view changes to reflect your changes (if your changes affected the visible features of the form).


Remember, this view is only a preview of the changes made to your form — not a working form.

Performing Common Tasks

This section describes how to perform the common tasks associated with customizing Directory Editor forms. The information is organized as follows:

Identifying the Form

To identify your customized form, you can specify a name, description, title, and/or subtitle as follows:

  1. If the Form node is not already selected, click the Form folder icon (top node in the Forms tree) and the page changes as follows:
  2. Figure 5-6  Identifying a Default Create Forms
    Use this page to specify information used to identify the new form.

  3. Complete one or more of the following fields (all optional):
    • Name: Enter a name for this form.
    • Description: Enter a meaningful description of the form.
    • Title: Enter the text you want to display at the top of the form.
      For example, MyCompany Create Form.
    • Subtitle: Enter the text you want to display beneath the form’s title.
      For example, you might indicate the form’s purpose: Use this form to create new users, groups, and organizational units.
  4. When you are finished, click OK.
  5. The Form node in tree view changes to use the Title you specified, and the new form displays on the right side of the page. For example:

    Figure 5-7  New Form Page
    Previewing your customized form.

  6. Continue as follows:
    • If you have other changes to make to the current form, select another node in the tree.
    • If you want to add one or more new fields, click the New Field button and proceed to Creating New Fields.
    • If you have no other changes to make, click Save.

Customizing Field Properties

To customize properties for a particular field on your form, use the following steps:

  1. In the Form tree, click the field element you want to customize.
    For example, click Select type and the following page is displayed:
  2. Figure 5-8  Customizing Field Properties
    Use the Field Properties page to customize a field element’s  properties.

    The content of the Field Properties tab will change, depending on which field element you select. The following table lists all of the different Field Properties parameters you might encounter as you work.

Table 5-2   Field Properties  




Type a name for this field.

  • You must enter a name that specifies a view path for all fields that display as editing components (such as text boxes, checkboxes, and selects).
  • You do not have to name fields that do not display as editing components (such as SectionHead or Javascript); however, you can name
    non-editing fields if they are referenced by another form through a Field reference.
  • You must use the following format to name fields that correspond to LDAP attributes:


For example, use the following format to name a cn attribute:



Specify text to display adjacent to the field.


Required checkbox: Enable this checkbox if the field is required to process the form. If you enable this option:

  • The user must enter a non-null value in this field before submitting the form.
  • A red asterisk is displayed to the left of the field and a message displays at the top of the form to explain that a red asterisk denotes required fields.

Display Properties:


Use the drop-down menu to select which type of display element you want to use for the new field. For example, do you want to create a text box or a button?

Available Title

Enter a title for the available values of a multi-select object.

Selected Title

Enter a title for the selected values of a multi-select object.

Allowed Values

Use this text box to enter allowed values for the component.
The end-user can select only those values provided in this list. (Some values may already be displayed by default.)

Allowed Values Expression

Use an expression to create a list of allowed values for the component. For convenience when setting properties in XML forms, you can specify the allowed values as a comma-delimited list.


Specify the character width of the control (for text boxes).

Maximum Length

Specify the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a text box.

Display Name

Specify text to display next to a check box.


Specify the number of rows and columns to display in a text area.

Null Label

Specify a label to display in select fields to indicate that nothing is selected.


Specify radio button labels.

Show Child Count

Enable this checkbox to see how many children are under each node in the Forms tree.
The number will be displayed in brackets after the node name. For example, People [ 21 ].

Show Only Branches

Enable this checkbox to display just the branches in the Forms tree instead of the branches and leaves. For example, if you open a branch that only has leaf nodes in the Browse dialog — you will not see anything; however, on the Browse tab you will see all the leaves.

Allow Multiple Selections

Enable this checkbox to allow the user to select multiple elements in the Forms tree.

Show Current Selections on Footer

Enable this checkbox to display currently selected elements in the Forms tree footer.

Show Current Selections on Header

Enable this checkbox to display currently selected elements in the Forms tree header.

Yoke to Active Mode

Enable this checkbox to allow the window to automatically scroll to the last node with which you interacted.

Normally, if you are working with a large Forms tree, and you expand a branch node that you had to scroll down to see, when you are done with the expansion you would have to reset the tree to the top. However, if you enable this property, the tree will automatically scroll the window to the expanded node.


Enable one or more of the following checkboxes — as necessary:

  • Left Label: Forces the label to display to the left of a field.
  • No New Row: Forces the field to appear to the right of the proceeding field. For example, Name fields are examples where this is useful, where it is desirable to allow the user to enter the last name, first name, and middle initial from right to left, rather than down the page.
  • Multiple: Controls whether multiple selections are available for a select field.
  • Multi-Valued: Allows multiple values for a text field.
  • Ordered: Controls whether multi-select values can be moved up and down in the selected list.
  • Read-Only: Creates a non-editable field.
  • Secret: Causes typed text to display as asterisks (*).
    (typically used for encrypted data, such as passwords)
  • Sorted: Controls whether select and multi-select values are sorted alphabetically.
  1. On the Field Properties tab, you can
    • Customize one or more of the property parameters described in the preceding table, and then click OK.
    • Click the Delete button (located at the bottom of the tab) to remove a field from this form. Repeat to delete additional fields.
  2. When you are finished customizing the properties for this field, you can:

Changing Field Locations

Use the following steps to change the location of a particular field on your form:

  1. In the Form tree, click the field element you want to move.
  2. When the Properties tabs are displayed, select the Move Field tab.
  3. Figure 5-9  Move Field Tab
    Use the Move tab to change the location of a field element.

    The Move Field tab contains three radio buttons and a drop-down menu. Elements displayed in the drop-down menu are indented to indicate whether they are tabs, fields, or nested children.

    For example, in the following figure, Form is the form, Organization and Undefined are field elements, and Extensions: is a child of Undefined.

    Figure 5-10  Move Field Menu
    Move Field drop-down menu


    You can only move field elements and children into the Form.

  4. Decide where to move the selected field, enable one of the following buttons, and then make a selection from the drop-down menu:
    • Before button: Moves the selected field element above a field you select from the drop-down menu.
    • After button: Moves the selected field element below a field you select from the drop-down menu.
    • Into button: Moves the selected field element into a tab you select from the drop-down menu.
  5. When you are finished with the Move Field tab, you can:
    • Select a different field to customize.
    • Add or remove a field (Proceed to Creating New Fields or Deleting Fields respectively.)
    • Save or Cancel your changes and return to the Available Forms page.
      (Proceed to Saving Changes.)

    • Note

      You must click the Save button located under the Form tree to save your change(s) to the directory.

Creating New Fields

To Create a new field for your form:

  1. Click the New Field button, located under the Form tree.
  2. Directory Editor adds an undefined node to the Form tree, and the property view changes as follows:

    Figure 5-11  Creating a New Field
    Use the Field Properties and Move Field tabs to create a new field element for your form.

  3. Complete the Field Properties tab as described in Customizing Field Properties.
  4. Use the Move Field tab to position the new field on your form as described in Changing Field Locations.
  5. When you are finished, click Save save your change(s) to the directory.

Deleting Fields

To Delete a field element from your form, click the Delete button that is located at the bottom of the Field Properties tab. Directory Editor will remove that field element from the form (and tree view).


You must click the Save button located under the Form tree to save your change(s) to the directory.

Canceling Changes

If you make a mistake while customizing a form or decide you do not want to use the form you customized, click the Cancel button located at the bottom of the Form tree.

Directory Editor will cancel any unsaved changes made to that form and immediately return you to the Available Forms page.

Saving Changes

You can save your customization changes at any time by clicking the Save button located at the bottom of the Form tree. Directory Editor will immediately save all changes made to that form.

Creating New Forms

To create a new form, use the following instructions:

  1. Click the New Form button (located at the top and bottom of the Forms page).
  2. A new page displays (see the following figure).

    Figure 5-12  Creating a New Form
    Specify the structural class and the auxiliary class(es) for a new form.

  3. Select a structural class from the drop-down menu.
  4. If applicable, use the Auxiliary Classes selection tool buttons to select one or more auxiliary classes for your new form, as follows:
    • Select one or more auxiliary classes from the available list and click the button to move them to the selected list. (Press your Shift key and click on items in the list to select multiple auxiliary classes.)
    • Click the button to move all available auxiliary classes to the selected list.
    • Click the button to move all auxiliary classes from the selected list back to the available list.
    • Select auxiliary classes from the selected list and click the button to move them back to the available list.
    • Use the (move up) and (move down) buttons to change the order of auxiliary classes in the selected list
  5. After making your selections, click the Select Classes button to add the classes to your new form.
  6. Another page displays, containing a tab for the structural class and one tab for each auxiliary class you selected.


    This page is a preview of the form you are creating.

    For example, if you specified the locality structural class and the added
    iPlanetLinkedOrganization Auxiliary class, the new page would look like the following figure:

    Figure 5-13  Adding Classes to a Form
    Example: Adding classes to a new form

    The tab names, and the content of each tab, will differ with each structural class and auxiliary class selection.

  7. Complete the sub-element text boxes on each tab, being certain to provide all required information (identified by a red asterisk).
  8. Select the Form, Tab, and field element nodes to specify the field properties (see page 5-79) and to specify the field locations (see page 5-74) for each.
  9. Figure 5-14  Specify Properties for Each Node in the Tree
    Specify field properties and locations for each node in the Forms tree.

  10. When you are finished, click Save to save your new form to the directory.

Testing Your Form

The best way to test your form before loading it into your production environment, is to preview the form while you are editing it.

In addition, you may want to create a staging or test environment that you can use when you are developing new forms. You can export the staged forms (select Configuration -> Import/Export), and then import them into your production environment.


For importing and exporting instructions, see Backing Up and Restoring Configurations.

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Part No: 819-1078-10.   Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.