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Sun Java System Directory Editor 1 2004Q4 Installation and Configuration Guide 

Chapter 9
Removing the Software

Use the information provided in this chapter to remove Directory Editor from your Windows or UNIX system and how to undeploy Directory Editor from your application server. The information is organized as follows:

Removing the Software

Use the instructions in one of the following sections to remove the Directory Editor software from your machine

Using the Directory Editor Uninstaller

Use the following steps to uninstall the software using the Directory Editor uninstaller:

  1. Open a command window, and go to the directory where you installed Directory Editor.
  2. Type the following command to launch the Uninstall wizard:
  3. java uninstall_Directory_Editor

  4. The Welcome screen displays. Read the information provided, and then click Next.
  5. When the Ready to Uninstall screen is displayed, click Uninstall Now.
  6. When the uninstallation is complete, the Uninstallation Summary screen displays to report status.

  7. You can click the Details button for more information, or click Close to exit the Uninstall Wizard.
  8. To remove any links or references to the Directory Editor software, you must undeploy Directory Editor from your application server. Use the instructions provided in Undeploying Directory Editor from Your Application Server.

Uninstalling Manually From a Windows Machine

Use the following steps to remove Directory Editor from a Windows machine:

  1. Stop your application server.
  2. Locate and open the Directory Editor webapps directory in your application server’s directory.
  3. Delete the dml.war file and the dml directory.
  4. If necessary, return your application server’s \bin directory and double-click startup.bat to restart the application.
  5. Remove all Directory Editor configuration information from the Sun Java System Directory Server or Sun ONE Directory Server, which (by default) is located under Services:DML.
    1. Log into Directory Server.
    2. Select the Directory tab.
    3. Click the Services node in the left pane.
    4. Locate and click the DML node under Services.
    5. Select Edit > Delete from the Directory Server menu bar (or right-click on the DML node and select Delete from the pop-up menu) to remove the DML node an all of it’s children.
  6. To remove any links or references to the Directory Editor software, you must undeploy Directory Editor from your application server. Use the instructions provided in Undeploying Directory Editor from Your Application Server.

Uninstalling Manually From a Unix Machine

Use the following steps to remove Directory Editor from a Unix machine:

  1. Stop your application server.
  2. Locate and open the /bin directory.
  3. Double-click to stop the Tomcat application.
  4. Locate and open the /webapps directory.
  5. Delete the dml.war file and the dml directory.
  6. If necessary, return to the /bin directory and double-click to restart the Tomcat application.
  7. Remove configuration information from the Directory Server, which (by default) is located under Services:DML.
  8. To remove any links or references to the Directory Editor software, you must undeploy Directory Editor from your application server. Use the instructions provided in Undeploying Directory Editor from Your Application Server.

Undeploying Directory Editor from Your Application Server

This section provides instructions for undeploying from the following application servers:

From Sun Application Servers

Use the following instructions to undeploy Directory Editor from a Sun Application Server:

  1. Open the Sun ONE Administration Console.
  2. In the left pane, open the Web Apps folder.
  3. Locate the dml node (or the name used when you deployed Directory Editor) and enable the checkbox next to that item.
  4. Click the Undeploy button, and when you are prompted to confirm the action, click OK.

From Tomcat Application Servers

Use one of following methods to undeploy Directory Editor from a Tomcat Application Server:

Using the Tomcat Application Manager

Use the following instructions to undeploy Directory Editor using the Tomcat Application Manger:

  1. Open the Tomcat Application Manager.
  2. In the Applications table, click the dml link and then click the Undeploy link in the Command column.

Undeploying Manually

To undeploy Directory Editor manually from your Tomcat application server, use the instructions for uninstalling manually provided in Removing the Software.

From WebLogic Application Servers

Use the following instructions to undeploy Directory Editor from a WebLogic Application Server:

  1. Open the WebSphere Console.
  2. In the left pane, open the Deployments and Web Applications nodes.
  3. Select dml in the table and then click the trash can icon.
  4. When you are prompted to confirm the action, click Yes.

From WebSphere Application Servers

Use the following instructions to undeploy Directory Editor from a WebSphere Application Server:

  1. Open the WebSphere Administration Console.
  2. Click the Enterprise Application link to display a list of applications.
  3. Locate the dml node and enable the checkbox next to that item.
  4. Click the Stop button to stop the application.
  5. Enable the dml checkbox again, and then click the Uninstall button.

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Part No: 819-1078-10.   Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.