C H A P T E R  2

Preparing for Installation

The installation process is easy and straightforward; however, it is essential that you verify all requirements before you install Sun Ray Server Software 3.1. This chapter describes what you need to do.

Topics in this chapter include:

Before you install Sun Ray Server Software, you should:

Make sure that you are running the desired supported operating system on your system. See Upgrading the Operating System.

For Solaris patches, see Operating System Patch Requirements.

Make sure that the system(s) on which you plan to install the software fulfills the necessary hardware and software requirements.

Note - The utinstall script for SRSS 3.1 does not automatically add Sun Ray information to the crontab, syslog, PAM, and SunMC services as earlier versions did; instead, it adds them upon the first reboot after installation or upgrade.

Hardware Requirements

Disk Space

Note - The suggested server configuration includes approximately 50-100 MB of swap space per user.

The standard installation of Sun Ray Server Software requires at least 95 MB of disk space. TABLE 2-1 lists the disk space requirements for specific directories:

TABLE 2-1 Sun Ray Server Software Disk Space Requirements


Default Installation Path


Sun Ray core software






1 Mbyte

20 Mbytes

1 Mbyte

5 Mbytes

Allow enough disk space for the log files.

Sun Ray Data Store 2.1




4 Mbytes in /opt

0.1 Mbytes in /etc

Allow enough disk space for the database and log files. For 1,000 entries, allocate roughly 1.5 Mbytes of disk space, 64 Mbytes of RAM, and 128 Mbytes of swap space.

Solaris Shared Memory


# set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 0x2000000

# set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni = 0x2000

# set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 0x400

English docs


8.5 Mbytes

Non-English docs


8.5 Mbytes for each locale

Software Requirements

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

SRSS 3.1 requires JRE version 1.4.2 or later. The latest Java release is available at:


JRE version 1.4.2 is also bundled on the SRSS 3.1 CD, in the Supplemental directory.

Solaris Operating System Versions

The Sun Ray system runs on the Solaris 8_update7 (Solaris 8 2/02), Solaris 9_update7 (Solaris 9 9/04) on SPARC platforms; it runs on the Solaris 10 operating environment on both SPARC and x86 platforms. If the correct version of the Solaris operating environment is already installed on the system or systems on which you will install Sun Ray Server Software, go to Chapter 3. If you need to upgrade the Solaris operating environment, please follow the instructions in Upgrading the Operating System before continuing.

Note - x86 platforms require Solaris 10.

You can check the operating system version by typing the following UNIX command as a user of the Sun Ray server:

% cat /etc/release

If the server has a lower version number than you need, please contact your Sun Microsystems representative to purchase the latest version of the Solaris software.

Operating System Patch Requirements

Sun Ray Server Software's utinstall script installs, by default, required patches that have not yet been included in the latest Recommend Patch Cluster (RPC). For the software to function properly, however, you must also install the latest Recommend Patch Cluster (RPC) for the operating system version you intend to run.

Please download the latest RPC from http://sunsolve.sun.com, then navigate to Product Patches->Recommended Patch Clusters->Recommended Solaris Patch Clusters and J2SE Clusters.

From the scrolling list of patch clusters, you can select the latest patches for your operating system version.

Note - As this installation guide nears completion, the resulting URL is
but it may change without further notice.

Further information on the latest Sun Ray patches is located at the following URL:


caution icon

Caution - Failure to install the latest RPC may cause unforeseen problems.

SunMC Requirements

To use SunMC, the administrator must install the correct version of the SunMC software. See Installing the SunMC Software.

Sun Ray Administration Tool

The Sun Ray Administration Tool (Admin GUI) requires that a web server be installed and running on each Sun Ray Server.

If an Apache HTTP Server is detected, the utconfig script asks whether it should be configured automatically. If you answer Yes, then it is so configured.

If you answer No, then the configuration is stored in /etc/opt/SUNWut/http/http.conf. You can then use this file to configure the HTTP server manually. If you want to use a web server other than Apache, see To Configure an HTTP Server Manually.

The Apache HTTP Server is available at the following URL:

The Sun Ray configuration script uses port 1660 for the Sun Ray Administration Tool (Admin GUI) by default. If this port is unavailable, you can configure a new port while running the utconfig script.

For information on configuring a web server manually, see To Configure an HTTP Server Manually.

Sun Ray Port Requirements

Sun Ray Server Software 3.1 has different port requirements than 1.X versions for the Sun Ray Data Store.

Sun Ray Data Store

Instead of the SunDS product formerly used for storing Sun Ray data, Sun Ray Server Software 3.1 installs and uses the Sun Ray Data Store. This private data store uses the new service port 7012. It can interoperate with the old SunDS if configured properly.

When you configure a new Sun Ray server in a failover environment that uses SRSS 3.1 only, service port 7012 is used by default.

If you already have an LDAP (Lightweight Data Access Protocol) server configured on the Sun Ray server, it can coexist with Sun Ray Data Store; however, it must not use port 7012, which is reserved for use by the Sun Ray Data Store.

If you configure a new Sun Ray server in a mixed failover group, you must make sure that the primary server is running SRSS 3.1.

Note - Although it is possible to configure mixed failover groups consisting of servers running various versions of Sun Ray Server Software, this practice is discouraged. For more information, see Chapter 11 in the Sun Ray Server Software 3.1 Administrator's Guide.

If the secondary server is running SRSS 3.1, no special care is required; the utreplica utility automatically synchronizes with the port number on the primary.

When you upgrade from a 1.x server, the old LDAP port remains active so that it can continue to inter-operate with other 1.x servers in the failover group.

Tip - Once you finish upgrading all the servers in the failover group, be sure to convert your servers to use port 7012 by running the utdssync command on the primary server. This procedure allows the SunDS to coexist with the Sun Ray Data Store.

Web Browser Requirements

To view the Sun Ray Administration Tool (Admin GUI), you must have a web browser, such as Mozilla or Netscapetrademark Communicator, installed on the system that will display it.

The latest version of the Mozilla browser is available at:


The latest version of the Netscape Communicator web browser is available at:


For instructions on manual configuration of a web server, see To Configure an HTTP Server Manually.