A P P E N D I X  B

Troubleshooting and Tuning Tips

This appendix contains the following sections:

Understanding OSD

Sun Ray Server Software on-screen displays (OSD) to help administrators and others identify problems visually. The most important information about the Sun Ray DTU and its current state is displayed on the screen.

OSD Icon Topography

This ODS shows a Sun Ray symbol next to the Ethernet address and DTU IP address, then a green check mark, then an unlocked lock next to "100H' indicating the connection speed, the authentication server IP address, then the icon code and DHCP state.

The OSD icons display:

To help you locate problems, the OSD icons display a numeric icon code followed by an alphabetic DHCP state code. You can look up the meaning of the numeric OSD message codes in TABLE B-1 and the alphabetic DHCP state codes in TABLE B-2. Encryption and authentication information is also displayed when appropriate.

Note - Sun Ray DTUs can function in a private interconnect or in a simple LAN environment with only an IP address, but additional basic parameters and Sun Ray-specific vendor options are needed for more complex LAN operations, such as when a DTU is located several hops away from the Sun Ray Server's subnet.

Tip - It is always a good idea to make sure that you are using the latest firmware. See Managing Firmware Versions.

OSD icon messages and codes are summarized in the following tables:

TABLE B-1 Icon Messages

Icon Code



Sun Ray unit is starting up and is waiting for ethernet link


Sun Ray unit is downloading new firmware


Sun Ray unit is storing new firmware in its flash memory


Either the download or storage of new firmware has failed


There is no session to connect with the Sun Ray


The server is denying access to the Sun Ray


Local pin entry to the smart card has failed


In local smartcard pin entry mode


There is an over current condition on the USB bus, i.e., the total number of devices draws too much current. Consider using a powered hub.


Server is authenticated by the Sun Ray and the graphic/keyboard network connection is encrypted


The Sun Ray cannot authenticate the server but the graphic/keyboard network connection is still being encrypted


Server authenticated to the Sun Ray; network connection between Sun Ray and server not encrypted


Server not authenticated to the Sun Ray; graphic/keyboard network connection is not encrypted


The Sun Ray is refusing to talk to the server due to the server's refusal or inability to authenticate or encrypt the network connection


The Sun Ray USB bus is temporarily busy servicing a high-speed device, and the keyboard or mouse may not be responsive to user input.


The Sun Ray unit is booting up and is waiting on DHCP IP address and parameter assignment.


The Sun Ray unit is booting up and is now waiting for the initial connection to a Sun Ray server.


The connection between the Sun Ray and the network is down. Check the network drop cable and (if the network drop cable is okay) the network switch.


The Sun Ray has disconnected from the previous server.


The Sun Ray is being redirected to a new server.


The Sun Ray has connected to the server and is waiting for graphics traffic (this is the GNC state).


The Sun Ray is broadcasting to locate a Sun Ray server since either it was not provided with Sun Ray specific DHCP parameters or all of the specified servers are not responding.


Icon numbers 31 through 34 are the network status display brought up by the user pressing all three audio keys.


The network link is up, the server is authenticated, and graphics/keyboard network connections are not encrypted.


The network link is up, the server is not authenticated, and graphics/keyboard network connections are encrypted.


The network link is up, the server is authenticated and graphics/keyboard are encrypted.


The network link is up, the server is not authenticated and graphics/keyboard are not encrypted.


The server is refusing to talk to the Sun Ray due to the Sun Ray's refusal or inability to authenticate or encrypt the network connection

TABLE B-2 DCHP State Codes

DCHP State Code

State Meaning


DCHP only provided IP address with no additional parameters


DCHP provided IP address, subnet mask, and router, but Sun Ray vendor-specific parameters are missing.


DHCP provided IP address and Sun Ray vendor-specific parameters, but subnet mask and router are missing.


DHCP provided all expected parameters.


DTU Hardware State

Action to Take


Check to see if the DTU is plugged in. Replace the DTU.


Hardware fault. Replace the DTU.


PROM is corrupted. Check that firmware downloads are properly configured and enabled. Then power cycle the DTU.

Card reader LED remains on even when smart card is removed

Card reader hardware problem. Replace the DTU.

Sun Ray Desktop Unit Startup

The first display a user should see is OSD 1: Waiting for the Interconnect.

This OSD shows a Sun Ray symbol, an Ethernet address, and a yellow triangle above a horizontal double arrow crossed by a yellow X to indicate no Ethernet signal.

Definition: The DTU has passed the power-on self test but has not detected an Ethernet signal yet. This icon is displayed as part of the normal startup phase and is usually displayed for only a few seconds.




procedure icon  Actions to take if this icon stays on for more than 10 seconds:

1. Check that the Ethernet cable is correctly plugged in to the back of the DTU and the other end is plugged in to the correct hub, switch, or network outlet.

A link light on the switch or hub indicates that the connection is alive.

2. If the DTU is connected through a hub or a switch, make sure that the hub or switch is powered on and configured correctly.

After the Sun Ray desktop unit has verified its network connection, the user should see the DHCP Pending display.

This OSD shows a Sun Ray symbol, an Ethernet address, a double arrow next to 100H to indicate connection speed, and an icon code.

Definition: The DTU has detected the Ethernet carrier but has not yet received its initial parameters or IP address from DHCP. This icon is displayed as part of the normal startup phase and is usually displayed for only a few seconds.


procedure icon  Actions to take if this icon stays on for more than 10 seconds:

1. Make sure that the DHCP server is configured correctly, is up and running, and has not run out of IP addresses to assign to clients.

2. Verify that your DHCP server is configured properly for network parameters.

At this point, depending on whether you have configured your Sun Ray servers to run on a LAN or a dedicated interconnect, one of the following icons may display:

This OSD resembles the previous one, but it includes an IP address.

Startup Wait for DHCP Information

After the DHCP server has allocated an IP address, the icon is updated with the unit's IP address; if the response is inadequate, the Sun Ray issues a DHCP inform request to attempt to obtain the Sun Ray vendor-specific parameters. The Sun Ray continues all the way through booting with just a DHCP supplied IP address but usually functions better with some additional parameters.


This ODS is identical to the previous one, but it displays icon code 21B instead of 21A.

Code 21 A indicates that the DTU got an IP address and is waiting for a DHCP informresponse to other parameters.

Code 21 B indicates that the DTU got an IP address and IP router and is waiting for Sun Ray vendor-specific options from DHCP inform.


Note - If you see a 21 A or 21 B with a DTU IP address in a LAN deployment, the Sun Ray DTU is trying to use DHCP_INFORM to get Sun Ray-specific parameters.

procedure icon  Actions to take:

1. For LAN configurations with other (non-Sun Ray) DHCP services but no bootp proxy agent, verify the DHCP server and the Sun Ray vendor tags.

2. For routed configurations, verify that the bootp proxy agent is configured correctly in the Sun Ray DTU's subnet and that it points to one of the Sun Ray servers in the failover group.

3. For non-routed private interconnect configurations, the Sun Ray server also performs the functions of a DHCP server. Verify that it is configured properly for DHCP services.

When DHCP has finished, the Sun Ray DTU tries to connect to a Sun Ray server and the authentication manager that is running on that server.

Waiting to Connect to Authentication Manager

Definition: The DTU has received its initial parameters from DHCP but has not yet connected to the Sun Ray Authentication Manager. This icon is displayed as part of the normal startup phase and is usually displayed for only a few seconds.

This OSD lists the Ethernet address, DTU IP address, connection speed, server IP address, and the code 22D.


procedure icon  Actions to take if the icon displays for more than a few seconds or if the DTU continues to reset after the icon is displayed:

1. Make sure that the Sun Ray services, including the Authentication Manager, are up and running on the Sun Ray server.

In a LAN configuration or other routed environment:

2. Make sure that the authentication manager can be reached from the IP address assigned to the DTU.

3. Verify that the routing information the DTU receives is correct.

4. Run utquery for the DTU's IP address.

The utquery command displays the parameters a Sun Ray DTU has received. If utquery fails to display an AuthSrvr parameter, the DHCP server for Sun Ray parameters may not be reachable or may not be configured properly. Confirm that the DHCPServer and INFORMServer values are appropriate. If not, look at your bootp relay configurations and DHCP server configurations for network and Sun Ray parameters. For details of these parameters, see the utquery man page.

Note - To Restart DHCP on a Solaris server, type the following as superuser:
# /etc/init.d/dhcp stop
# /etc/init.d/dhcp start

procedure icon  To Identify a Hung Session

single-step bulletAs superuser, type:

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utdesktop -l -w

procedure icon  To Kill a Hung Session

single-step bulletAs superuser, type:

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utsession -k -t token

Firmware Download

The firmware download indicator is a yellow vertical progress graph on an upward pointing arrow.

Downloading PROM Software

Definition: The DTU is currently downloading new flash PROM software from the Sun Ray server.




procedure icon  Actions to take:

1. Wait until the download is complete.

Downloading and saving the new PROM software usually takes less than a minute. If you interrupt the download, the DTU has to download new PROM software the next time it reboots.

If the firmware download fails, the following syslog message indicates that the barrier level has been set to prevent Sun Ray DTUs with SRSS 3.1 firmware from automatically downloading an earlier version of the firmware:

Firmware upgrade/downgrade not allowed! Barrier is 310 Firmware level is 0

2. Check /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages to confirm that your configuration is set up properly.

Note - For LAN configurations, the minimum barrier level is 200.

Saving PROM Software

Definition: The DTU has just downloaded new PROM software from the Sun Ray server and is saving it to the DTU's PROM.

Ethernet address, DTU IP address, 100H indicator, server IP address, and code 3D.




procedure icon  Actions to take:

single-step bulletWait until the download is done.

Downloading and saving the new PROM software usually takes less than a minute. If you interrupt the download, the DTU has to download new PROM software the next time it reboots.

Firmware Download Failed

Definition: The DTU has failed to download new firmware.

As above but with code 4A.




procedure icon  Actions to take:

1. Check the messages file /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages to verify the version number.

2. Correct, if necessary, with utadm -l.

Bus Busy

A horizontal plug symbol suggests there may be an input problem. Code 16D.

Sun Ray USB Bus Busy

Definition: The Sun Ray USB bus is temporarily busy servicing a high-speed device, and the keyboard or mouse may not be responsive to user input.

This icon typically appears only during an unusually long print job and disappears when the job is done. This is an informational OSD; there is no particular action to take unless it is necessary to kill the print job.

No Ethernet

No Ethernet Connection

Definition: The DTU has an Ethernet address and an IP address but has lost the Ethernet signal. This icon is displayed only after the DTU successfully boots and receives an IP address, but then loses its Ethernet signal.



The yellow triangle and yellow X through the horizontal double arrow indicate there is no connection.

procedure icon  Actions to take:

1. Check that the Ethernet cable is correctly plugged in to the back of the DTU and the other end is plugged into the correct switch or network outlet.

2. If the DTU is connected through a hub or switch, make sure that the hub or switch is on and configured correctly.

Ethernet Address

It also shows the Sun Ray symbol, a green check mark, an open lock, and 100H.

Definition: This OSD, shows the Ethernet address, the currently assigned IP address, the currently connected server, the encryption status, and the DHCP state. To display it, press the three audio volume keys simultaneously.



Tip - To get the same effect on non-Sun keyboard, disconnect and reconnect the Ethernet wire.

Link speed is also indicated (for example, 10F, 10H,100F, 100H). F stands for full duplex, and H stands for half duplex. 10 stands for 10 Mbps, and 100 for 100 Mbps.

FIGURE B-1 Ethernet Address OSD with Different Encryption and Authentication States

Three contrasting OSDs show an unauthenticated locked state on the left, authenticated locked state in the middle, and unauthenticated unlocked on the right.

Session Connection Failures

The following icons are displayed when there might be a security breach.

A large red X drawn through a lock symbol next to a green check mark over the IP address indicates that the client refuses to connect. The code is 15D.

Session Refused

Definition: The client is refusing to connect to a server because it is unable to verify the validity of the Sun Ray server.

This error can occur only if an unknown Sun Ray server intercepts the messages and tries to emulate a valid Sun Ray server. This is a session security breach.


Session Refused

Definition: The server is refusing to grant a session to the client because the client is unable to fulfill the server's security requirements.

A large red X drawn through a lock symbol next to a green check mark with no IP address indicates that the client refuses to connect. The code is 50.

procedure icon  Actions to take:

1. Check the client's firmware version.

This error may occur with firmware versions earlier than 2.0 if the server is configured for hard security mode.

2. Upgrade the firmware.

As an alternative, confirm whether your site requires hard security mode. If not, the session can be enabled with soft security mode.

Token Reader Icon

This icon shows a Sun Ray DTU with a card inserted in its card reader.

Card Reader Icon

When a site policy disallows pseudo sessions, DTUs configured as token readers display the Card Reader icon instead of the Login Dialog box card.


Card Read Error OSD

This icon shows a Sun Ray symbol connected to an alert sign (a triangular yellow sign with a black exclamation point).

Card Read Error

Definition: The Card Read Error OSD icon appears whenever the firmware is unable to read the card due to one of the following causes:


procedure icon  Actions to take:

1. Upgrade the firmware.

2. Replace the card.

Prompt for Card Insertion OSD

The OSD shows a card symbol next to a green arrow pointing toward a Sun Ray DTU.

Prompt for Card Insertion

Definition: If the current authentication policy allows access only by card, this OSD icon appears and prompts the user to insert a card.


Access Denied OSD

This OSD shows a large red circle on a blue field. The circle is crossed by a large white horizontal bar, indicating that access is denied.

Access Denied

Definition: The Access Denied OSD icon appears when the current authentication policy denies access to the presented token. Specifically, this icon is displayed if a disabled card has been inserted into a DTU.

The Sun Ray administration model has seven user session types:

The first three session types have normal login processes. When there is a problem, the administrator should examine:

Caution - Sun Ray Server Software modifies certain system configuration files. In most cases, these changes are identified with SRSS-specific comments. Please do not change these modifications.

Although the last four session types display icons on the Sun Ray DTU, they do not have login processes at all. The icons indicate that the user must take steps before a successful login is possible. If the user immediately removes and reinserts the smart card, the icon disappears, but the Wait for Session OSD remains.

These last four session types and their OSDs should not cause alarm. The user can:

Wait for Session OSD

This OSD shows the Ethernet address, DTU IP address, 100H next to an hour-glass symbol (meaning "wait"). It also shows the server IP address and the code 26D.

Wait for Session

This OSD represents the transition state for the Sun Ray DTU. If it is displayed for an extended period, there is probably no X Window server running.


Note - The current wait icon is a white "X" cursor. In earlier releases, the wait icon was displayed as a green newt cursor.

Tip - If you suspect that the configuration files have been corrupted, please see in the Sun Ray Server Software 3.1 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Wait Icon Cursor for Default Session Type

This section applies to a normal dtlogin session.

The Xsun server is indirectly started by the dtlogin daemon. In the process of starting the Xsun server, the dtlogin daemon reads two configuration files:

If, after several retries, the Xsun process does not start, the dtlogin daemon just gives up. The problem can usually be traced back to an older version of the dtlogin daemon or the configuration files for the dtlogin daemon.

The dtlogin daemon has been part of the Solaris operating environment since long before Sun Ray Server Software existed. The Sun Ray administration model uses the dtlogin daemon in new ways, and certain bugs in the dtlogin daemon have become apparent. Patches to fix these bugs in the dtlogin daemon are available.


For the latest information regarding Sun Ray Server Software patches, check:


Solaris operating environment patches and other software patches are available at:


Authentication Manager Errors

Authentication Manager errors can be found in the following error logs:

The general format of the log messages is:

timestamp   thread_name    message_class     message

For example:

May  7 15:01:57 e47c utauthd: [ID 293833 user.info] Worker3 NOTICE: SESSION_OK pseudo.080020f8a5ee

Message components are defined as follows:

year.month.day hours:minutes:seconds

There are several different types of threads. The most common thread handles DTU authentication, access control, and session monitoring. These threads are named "worker" plus number. The Worker# thread names are reused when a connection terminates. Other threads are:

Messages with the same thread name are related. The exception occurs when a Worker# thread disconnects a DTU and then purges the connection information from memory. After a Worker# DESTROY message, the next use of that Worker# thread name has no relation to previous uses of the thread name (in other words, the thread names are reused).

Troubleshooting USB Mass Storage Devices

The most common problems encountered with USB mass storage devices on Sun Ray DTUs are described in the following sections.

Device Links Are Not Created

Some mass storage device types are not supported on Sun Ray. Inspect the log file /var/opt/SUNWut/log/utstoraged.log for an indication as to why device links were not created.

Device Is Not Automatically Mounted

If the storage medium does not have a Solaris-recognizable filesystem, it will not get automatically mounted. An error message will be logged to: /var/opt/SUNWut/log/utmountd.log

Device Is Not Automatically Unmounted

If the device is unplugged, or if the user's session is disconnected from the DTU, all mount points for that DTU are automatically unmounted unless the user has open references to the mount point. In that case, the mount point becomes stale. A stale mount point persists until the administrator unmounts it manually or until the system is rebooted.

Run the following command to find stale mount points.

# /opt/SUNWut/bin/utdiskadm -s

Note - Close all references to the mount point or terminate all processes that refer to the mount before running the umount command.


Each time a user logs in to a Sun Ray DTU, a script automatically assigns the $AUDIODEV environment variable to that session. One utaudio(1)real-time process is assigned to each session. Refer to the audio(7i)man page for more information.

Audio Device Emulation

The emulated audio device follows the user session during hotdesking. The device name appears in the $AUDIODEV environment variable but is transparently interpreted by audio programs for Sun systems. Device nodes are created in the /tmp/SUNWut/dev/utaudio directory. The directory tree is completely recreated at boot time.

caution icon

Caution - Do not remove the /tmp/SUNWut/dev/utaudiodirectory. Deleting this directory prevents existing users with utaudiosessions from using their audio pseudo device nodes.

If your application uses /dev/audio, the Sun Ray server software reroutes the audio signal appropriately.

Audio Malfunction

If audio features are malfunctioning:

1. To confirm whether audio is working, run the following command on the DTU:

% cat /usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/whistle.au >/$AUDIODEV

2. Bring up utsettings:

% utsettings

3. Verify that audio output is selected properly, e.g., for headphones or speakers.

4. Check the volume level.

5. Verify that Mute is not selected.

Some applications are hard-coded to use /dev/audio for output. Sun Ray System Software provides a redirection library that you can use to correct this behavior.

procedure icon  To Activate the Redirection Library

1. Set the environment variable LD_PRELOAD to libc_ut.so in the shell or wrapper from which you started the audio player:

# setenv LD_PRELOAD libc_ut.so

2. Restart the application.

PDA Synchronization Issues

If your users have problems running PDASync on a Sun Ray, use the following procedure:

1. Get the latest Java Communications API (javax.comm api version 3 or later) from


2. Make sure that you are using a supported USB-serial adapter.

A list of supported USB devices is available at:


3. Click the change Synchronization Settings icon.

Select the port to which the Palm cradle is connected.

4. Click OK.

Tip - If the ports are not shown correctly in the Serial Port drop-down menu, close the application and hot plug the device, then start the application again.

For setup instructions, see PDA Synchronization.

Performance Tuning

Some applications, such as intensive 3-D visual simulations, may run very slowly on Sun Ray. Other applications, such as pseudo-stereo viewers using double-buffering, or high-frequency dynamic color table flips on 8-bit visuals, do not produce the expected visual result.

General Configuration

You can usually improve performance by configuring /etc/system shared memory segment parameters. The exact settings depend on application demands and the number of Sun Ray users, but a convenient starting point is:

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 0x2000000
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni = 0x1000
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 0x100

Due to the nature of the Xinerama (single virtual X display) mode of multihead, the system shared memory requirements may be even higher. To get reasonable performance, the shmsys:shminfo_shmmax parameter must be at least:

LARGEST_NUMBER_OF_HEADS * width * height * 4 


Placing the user's interactive applications, such as Netscape or StarOffice, or PC interoperability tools, such as Citrix or Tarantella, on the Sun Ray server usually helps performance by reducing network load. The applications benefit from faster transport of commands to the Sun Ray's X server.

Applications that can be configured to use shared memory instead of DGA or openGL usually perform better on Sun Ray when they used shared memory.

Sluggish Performance

Sluggish Sun Ray server performance or excessive disk swapping is an indication that the Sun Ray server is under-provisioned. Under these circumstances, there is not enough virtual memory available to start an X Window server instance for a user's session.

The solution in this situation is to add more memory or increase the size of the swap partition. In other situations, network load or packet loss may be too high. In very rare cases, network cables or switch equipment may be defective.

1. To determine whether there is excessive swapping, use vmstat 5.

# vmstat 5

If there is excessive swapping, the system may be undersized or overutilized.

2. Verify that network connections are 100F.

3. Use utcapture to assess network latency and packet loss.

As latency and packet loss increase, performance suffers.

Monitor Display Resolution Defaults to 640 x 480

First, eliminate the most obvious possible causes:

If the Sun Ray DTU is unable to read DDC data from the monitor, then it defaults to 640 x 480 pixels.

procedure icon  To Correct or Reset the Screen Resolution:

1. Replace the cable

2. Restart the Sun Ray DTU after powering the monitor on

3. Replace the monitor

4. Use the utresadm to set persistent display setting to override the default.

Old Icons (Hourglass with Dashes Underneath) Appear on Display

If the old icons appear on the display, either the DTU's firmware has not been upgraded or it is failing.

1. Upgrade the firmware to SRSS 3.1.

2. Follow the procedure to upgrade the firmware. See the Sun Ray Software 3.1 Installation and Configuration Guide.

You may need to use a dedicated private network.

Port Currently Owned by Another Application

If this message displays, use the following procedure to correct it:

1. Download the latest Java Communications API (javax.comm API version 2.0.2 and above)

2. Make sure that the supported USB-Serial Adapter is used.

The supported USB devices list is available at


3. Click the Change Synchronization Settings icon and select the appropriate port (to which the Palm cradle should be connected), then click OK.

4. If the ports are not correctly shown in the Serial Port drop down menu, close the application and hot plug the device.

5. Start the application again.

Design Tips

Troubleshooting the Sun Management Center

Usually, if all the software is installed, the agent for Sun Ray monitoring starts automatically.

No Sun Ray Object

If the Sun Ray server has the Sun Management Center agent component installed, but the Detail window shows no Sun Ray object for the Sun Ray server node, load the Sun Ray module:

procedure icon  To Load the Sun Ray Module

1. Click the Modules tab.

Note where the Sun Ray module is listed (if it is not listed, see No Sun Ray Module). For the module to be loaded, it should be listed in Modules with Load Status. In addition, it should be loaded and enabled.

FIGURE B-2 Module Panel

This SunMC panel lists modules by name and indicates whether each is loaded, scheduled, and enabled.

2. If the Sun Ray module is listed, highlight it and then click the Load button.

This loads the module and moves it to the Modules with Load Status list.

3. If the Sun Ray module is disabled, highlight it and then click the Enable button.

This enables the module.

4. Return to the Detail window.

The Detail window shows a Sun Ray object for the Sun Ray server node.

No Sun Ray Module

If, after clicking the Modules tab on the Details window of the Sun Ray server node, the Sun Ray module is not listed, activate the Sun Ray module:

procedure icon  To Activate the Sun Ray Module

1. Register the module by typing:

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utsunmc

This command adds the module to the Sun Management Center and restarts the agent if it is active.

2. If you receive the following message, perform steps 3 and 4.

Starting the SunMC agent...
NOTICE:         SunMC agent failed to start.
                To start it manually run the command

3. Check to see if the agent is running:

# ps -ef |grep agent

If the Sun Management Center agent is running, wait then check the Detail window.

4. If the agent is not running, type the following to start it:

# /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -a