A P P E N D I X  A

Additional Information

This appendix provides additional information regarding your installation or upgrade to Sun Ray Server Software 3.1.

Topics covered in this appendix include:

Modified System Files

The following files are modified during utadm:

The following files are modified during utconfig:

utinstall Error Messages

If during an installation, upgrade, or uninstall the utinstall script returns an error, refer to the following table for assistance.

TABLE A-1 utinstall Error Messages




utinstall: fatal, media-dir is not a valid directory.

You called the -d option, but media-dir is incomplete.

The media-dir directory requires relevant patches and packages for installation. The media-dir directory includes the Sun Ray directory.

xxxxxx not successfully installed

Might occur for the installation of any application or patch, xxxxxx, if relevant packages have not been properly installed.

Verify the component xxxxxx is present in the installation media directory path and has the correct permissions, then re-run the utinstall script.

The following packages were not successfully removed
xxxxxx ...

The packages listed have not been properly removed.

Use the rpm command to remove each rpm listed manually, then run utinstall -u again.

A different version x.x of product has been detected. The other-product Software is only compatible with product y.y. You must either upgrade or remove the current product installation before proceeding.
	Exiting ...

Some of the applications provided with Sun Ray Server Software are only compatible with certain versions of other applications.

Compatible and necessary applications are included with Sun Ray Server Software. Remove older versions, then re-run the utinstall script.

error, no Sun Ray software packages installed.

None of the Sun Ray components are installed on this system.

No action is required as the product is not installed.

packages have not installed correctly. All data saved during the upgrade 'Save & Restore' has been retained at the following location:

Upgrade of Sun Ray Server Software was incomplete.

1. Run utinstall again.

2. If message appears again, type:


# rpm -qa|grep SUNWut

3. Use rpm to remove packages listed.

rpm -qa | grep SUNWut

bullet If output, go to step 5.

bullet If no output, type (on one line):

# /cdrom/cdrom0

# rpm -i SUNWuta

5. Run utinstall again.

The following files were not successfully replaced during this upgrade. The saved copies can be found in <directory>

Some files were not properly replaced as part of the upgrade.

Manually copy the listed files from the directory overwriting the newer files if applicable.

Removal of product was not successfully completed. See log file for more details.

Removal of Sun Ray Server Software was incomplete.

Check logfile for the package that started the problem and manually remove it with therpm -e command, then run utinstall -u again.

Partition Name	 Space Required 	Space Available 
--------------	--------------	-----------------
partition 	 	 	 xxx 	 	 	 	 yyy

Not enough disk space was allocated for partition. Repartition the disk and run utinstall again.

This table explains error messages, although they're fairly obvious.For instance, the error message, "Removal of product was not successfully completed. See log file for more details." is explained in the "meaning" column as "Removal of Sun Ray Server Software was incomplete."The notation in the Resolution column says, "Check logfile for the package which started the problem and manually remove it with the pkgrm command, then run utinstall -u again."