C H A P T E R  3

Administration Tool

The Sun Ray Administration Tool (Admin GUI) enables administration of Sun Ray users and DTUs; however, the Command-Line Interface (CLI), documented in Chapter 2, is the recommended interface for enabling assistive technologies.

This chapter is divided into the following sections:

Note - This chapter describes a standalone server. Servers in failover groups are discussed in Chapter 10.

Administration Data

Sun Ray administration data comes from two sources:

The internal database keeps persistent administration data and grants read access to all internal database clients; however, it allows changes only by those internal database clients that connect as the privileged utadmin user.

The authentication manager is queried as needed for dynamic data.

Tip - Although Sun Ray administration data is accessible through standard database interfaces and applications, to avoid operational errors, do not modify data except with the Administration Tool.

Logging In

The Administration Tool allows you to administer Sun Ray users and DTUs from a web browser.

procedure icon  To Log Into the Administration Tool

1. Log in to your Sun Ray server's console or any DTU attached to it.

2. Start a browser.

3. Type the following URL:


Tip - If you chose a different port number when you configured the Sun Ray supporting software, substitute that number for "1660" in the URL above.

If you get a message denying access, make sure that:

FIGURE 3-1 Login Window

The login screen shows user "admin", a blank password field and the language drop-down displays "English". User options are to log in (press Return) or reset the fields.

4. Enter the administrator user name admin on the first login screen and click the OK button.

5. Enter the administration password you specified when you configured the Sun Ray Server Software on the second login screen and click the OK button.

The Summary Status window is displayed.

Use the navigation bar on the left to navigate through the Administration Tool.

Note - If the session is inactive for 30 minutes, you must log in again.

FIGURE 3-2 Summary Status Window

This screen summarizes the status of desktops on the left and users on the right.

procedure icon  To Change the Administrator's Password

The administrator's password allows you to use the Administration Tool to access and change Sun Ray administration data.

1. In the navigation menu, click the arrow to the left of Admin to view the options.

2. Click the Password link.

The Change Admin Password window is displayed. This window allows you to change the password for the admin account that was entered during configuration with the utconfig script; it does not allow you to change UNIX user passwords.

Note - In failover groups, all servers must use the same password for the admin account.

FIGURE 3-3 Change Admin Password Window

The change admin password screen has three fields: current password, new password, and reenter new password. There are two buttons: change (the default: press Return) and reset fields.

3. Enter your current password.

4. Enter a new password.

5. Re-enter the new password.

Tip - If you make a mistake, click the Reset Fields button to clear the fields and start again.

6. Click the Change button.

The new password takes effect and the internal database hierarchy is updated.

Changing Policies

Set the same policies on all the Sun Ray servers in a given failover group. If all the servers are configured to use the same policies and a failover occurs, all policies remain consistent.

Changes to local policies affect only the current Sun Ray server; changes to group policies affect all Sun Ray servers in the same group.

procedure icon  To Change the Policy

1. Select the arrow to the left of Admin in the navigation bar to expand the menu.

2. Click the Policy link.

The Change Policy window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-4 Change Policy Window Although Non-Smart Card Sessions are not currently supported on Linux, an otherwise similar looking screen enables you to make other policy changes.

Because this screen is somewhat cluttered, please use the utpolicy command instead. In fact, it is always preferable to use a Sun Ray CLI command instead of a GUI screen.

3. To enable multihead, click the Yes radio button next to Multihead feature enabled.

4. Notify users to log off to avoid losing their sessions.

5. Restart services.

When changing the Mulihead feature, you have the option of resetting Sun Ray services. All other changes require you to restart Sun Ray services.

Restarting Sun Ray Services

procedure icon  To Preserve Sessions Upon Restart

1. From the expanded navigation menu under Admin, click the Restart Services link.

The Sun Ray Services window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-5 Sun Ray Services Window

This screen allows you to toggle the scope of Sun Ray services between group and user. The two function buttons are Warm Restart and Cold Restart..

2. Click Warm Restart.

Sun Ray services are reset, and the sessions are preserved.

Note - Warm Restart provides the same functionality as the Reset button in earlier versions of Sun Ray Server Software.

procedure icon  To Terminate Sessions Upon Restart

single-step bulletClick Cold Restart.

All sessions are immediately terminated, and Sun Ray services are restarted.

Note - In a failover group, you must initiate these functions from the primary server in the group.

Token Readers

You can use the Administration Tool to create token readers and locate Sun Ray DTUs designated as token readers. Sun Ray DTUs configured as token readers do not support hotdesking. They display the token reader icon instead of a login dialog box.

Creating a Token Reader

A token reader is a Sun Ray DTU that reads a smart card and returns the card's ID. A valid ID allows you to add a user.

procedure icon  To Create a Token Reader

1. Click the arrow in front of Desktops to expand the navigation menu.

2. Click the View Current link.

FIGURE 3-6 View Current Desktops Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

3. Select the desktop of the DTU you want to use as a token reader.

The Current Properties window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-7 Current Properties Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

4. Click the Edit Properties button.

The Edit Desktop Properties window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-8 Edit Desktop Properties Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

5. Next to Token Reader, select the Yes radio button.

6. Click the Save Changes button.

The DTU you have selected is now set up to read smart cards.

7. Restart Sun Ray services.

The DTU is now a token reader.

procedure icon  To Locate Token Readers

single-step bulletFrom the expanded navigation menu under Admin, click the Token Readers link.

FIGURE 3-9 View Current Desktops Window Showing Token Readers

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

procedure icon  To Get Information on a Token Reader

single-step bulletClick the Desktop ID link in the Token Readers window.

FIGURE 3-10 Current Properties of a Token Reader

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

Managing Desktops

procedure icon  To List All Desktops

1. In the navigation menu, click the directional arrow to the left of Desktops to view the options.

2. To view all desktops, click View All.

FIGURE 3-11 View All Desktops Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

procedure icon  To Display a Desktop's Current Properties

single-step bulletClick a Desktop ID link.

The Desktops Current Properties window is displayed (see FIGURE 3-7).

procedure icon  To List Currently Connected Desktops

1. In the navigation menu, click the directional arrow to the left of Desktops to view the options.

2. Click View Current.

The View Current Desktops window is displayed (see FIGURE 3-6). This window lists the desktops that are currently connected to this Sun Ray server and communicating with the Authentication Manager or with any other Sun Ray server in the same failover group.

procedure icon  To View the Properties of the Current User

single-step bulletFrom either the View Current User window or the Desktops Current Properties window, click the link for Current User.

The Properties window for the Current User is displayed

.FIGURE 3-12 View Current Users Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

procedure icon  To Search for Desktops

1. In the navigation menu, click the directional arrow to the left of Desktops to view the options.

2. Click Find desktop.

The Find Desktop window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-13 Find Desktop Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

3. From the Find Desktop page, enter data into the Desktop ID, Location, and Other Info fields.

4. Click the Search button.

The Find Desktop window is redisplayed with all matches in the administration database.

FIGURE 3-14 Find Desktop Search Results Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

procedure icon  To Edit a Single Desktop's Properties

1. To display the Desktop Properties page for the desktop you want to edit, click the Desktop ID.

The Desktops Current Properties window is displayed (see FIGURE 3-7).

2. Click the Edit Properties button.

The Edit Desktop Properties window is displayed (see FIGURE 3-8).

3. Change the data in the text boxes as appropriate.

4. Click the Save Changes button to save the changes to the administration database.

Managing Multihead Groups

The multihead feature allows users to control separate applications on multiple Sun Ray screens. Only a single keyboard and pointer device, attached to the primary DTU, are needed. The multihead feature also allows users to display and control a single application, such as a spreadsheet, on multiple screens.

System administrators create multihead groups so that users can access them. A multihead group, consisting of two or more DTUs controlled by one keyboard and mouse, can consist of Sun Ray 1, Sun Ray 100, Sun Ray 150, and Sun Ray 160 DTUs.

For further information on multihead implementations, see Chapter 9.

procedure icon  To View All Multihead Groups

1. From the navigation menu, select the arrow to the left of Multihead Group to expand the menu.

2. Click the View All link.

The Multihead Groups window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-15 The Multihead Groups Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

3. To view the properties for this group, click the Multihead Group Name link.

The Multihead Group Properties window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-16 The Multihead Group Properties Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

4. To display the Desktops Current Properties for the DTUs that are part of this group, click the Desktop Units links.

The Desktops Current Properties window for the link selected is displayed.

FIGURE 3-17 Desktops Current Properties Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

The Multihead Group name is displayed as a property of this desktop.

Managing Sun Ray Device Services

All Sun Ray device services are enabled by default. Sun Ray device services include USB devices connected through USB ports, internal serial ports, and internal smart card readers on the Sun Ray DTU.

To enable or disable these services, use the utdevadm command line tool (see Enabling and Disabling Device Services) or the Admin GUI as shown in this section.

procedure icon  To Enable or Disable Sun Ray Device Services

1. From the navigation menu, select the arrow to the left of the Device Services in the navigation bar to expand the menu.

2. Click on Enable/Disable Services in the menu to display the USB Service window.

FIGURE 3-18 Device Services Window

This screen provides radio buttons to allow the administrator to Disable or Enable access to USB devices on Sun Ray DTUs connected to this server. Access is enabled by default.

3. Toggle the Disable or Enable radio button.

4. Click Apply to make the relevant change.

Note - Sun Ray services must be restarted before these changes can take effect.

Examining Log Files

Significant activity concerning files retrieved from the Sun Ray server is logged and saved. The server stores this information in text files. TABLE 3-1 describes the log files that are maintained.

[ D ]
TABLE 3-1 Log Files

Log File





Lists operations performed during server administration. This log is updated daily. Archived files are stored on the system for up to one week and are annotated using numeric extensions (for example, from filename admin_log.0 to admin_log.5).



Lists events logged from the Authentication Manager. The auth_log file is updated (up to a limit of 10) every time the server's authentication policy is changed or started. The archived authentication files are annotated using numeric extensions (for example, from auth_log.0 to auth_log.9).



Lists events from the server's DTUs, including details of registering, inserting, or removing smart cards. This file is updated daily. Archived files are stored on the server for one week annotated with numeric extensions (for example, from messages.0 to messages.5).

procedure icon  To View a Log File

1. From the navigation menu, select the arrow to the left of Log Files to expand the menu.

2. Choose the Log link you want to inspect: Messages, Auth Log, Admin Log, or Archived Logs, utmountd.log, or utstoraged.log.

The appropriate Log File window is displayed. Use the scroll bar to access data to the right and bottom of the window.

FIGURE 3-19 Administration Log File Window Although this figure shows a log not currently available on Linux, other logs are displayed in a similar fashion.

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

Managing Smart Cards

The information provided about smart cards is extracted from vendor-supplied configuration files. These configuration files are located in the directory: /etc/opt/SUNWut/smartcard. Configuration files must be formatted correctly, and file names must end with a .cfg suffix; for example, acme_card.cfg.

For certain vendors, the smart card may require additional software to enable the Sun Ray Server Software to probe for it. If required, this optional software must be supplied as Java classes in a Jar file. This file must end with a .jar suffix and must have the same pre-suffix filename as the .cfg file that contains its configuration information.

procedure icon  To View or List Configured Smart Cards

1. From the navigation menu, select the arrow to the left of Smart Cards to extend the menu.

2. Click the View link.

The View Configured Smart Cards window is displayed. Smart cards are listed in probe order, i.e., the order in which they are inspected.

FIGURE 3-20 The View Configured Smart Cards Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

From this window an administrator can see the current list of smart cards as well as the supplier and version number for each card.

3. From the View Configured Smart Cards window, select the link for the smart card.

The main properties for the selected smart card are displayed in FIGURE 3-21.

FIGURE 3-21 Smart Card Properties Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

procedure icon  To View The Smart Card Probe Order

single-step bulletFrom the navigation menu under Smart Cards, click the Probe Order link.

The Smart Card Probe Order window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-22 Smart Card Probe Order Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

Smart cards are probed in the order in which they appear in this list.

Tip - As you add more cards, you can change the order of the cards to move those used most often to the top of the list.

procedure icon  To Change the Smart Card Probe Order

1. Select a smart card and press the appropriate up and down button.

Clicking on the first and last buttons (from top to bottom) moves the selected card to either the top or bottom of the list.

2. Restart Sun Ray services.

procedure icon  To Add a Smart Card

1. From the expanded navigation menu under Smart Cards click the Add link.

The Add Smart Cards to Probe List window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-23 Add Smart Card to Probe List Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

2. Select a smart card and click the Add button.

3. Restart Sun Ray services.

procedure icon  To Delete a Smart Card

1. From the expanded navigation menu under Smart Cards, click the Delete link.

The Delete Smart Card From Probe List window is displayed.

2. Select a smart card.

3. Click the Delete button.

4. Restart Sun Ray services.

Sun Ray System Status

procedure icon  To View the Sun Ray System Status

1. Click the directional arrow to the left of Status to expand the navigation menu.

2. Click the Summary Status link.

The Summary Status window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-24 Summary Status Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

Administering Users

You can specify the following user fields in the Sun Ray administration database:

TABLE 3-2 Key User Fields



Token ID

User's unique token type and ID. For smart cards, this is a manufacturer type and the card's serial ID. For DTUs, this is the type "pseudo" and the DTU's Ethernet address. Examples:


Server Name

Name of the Sun Ray server that the user is using.

Server Port

Sun Ray server's communication port. This field should generally be set to 7007.

User Name

User's name.

Other Info

Any additional information you want to associate with the user (for example, an employee or department number). This field is optional.

procedure icon  To View Users by ID

single-step bulletFrom the expanded Users navigation menu, click the View by ID link.

The View Users by ID window is displayed. The list of all the users in the administration database is sorted by the Token ID field. If a user has multiple tokens, they are listed separately.

FIGURE 3-25 View Users by ID Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

procedure icon  To View Users by Name

single-step bulletFrom the expanded Users navigation menu, click the View by Name link.

The View Users by Name window is displayed, listing all the users in the administration database sorted by the User Name field. If a user has multiple tokens, they are grouped together with the name.

FIGURE 3-26 View Users by Name Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

procedure icon  To Delete a User

Caution - This operation deletes the user and all associated tokens.

1. From the View by Name window, click the User Name of the user you want to delete.

The Current Properties window displays information about the user, host, token, and allows the administrator to edit the user's properties, delete the user, and view the user's session.

FIGURE 3-27 The Current Properties Window Shows Administrative Options for a User

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

2. Press the Delete This User button.

The Delete User page is displayed.

FIGURE 3-28 Delete User Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

3. To delete the user, press the YES -- Delete User Now button.

To cancel this delete operation, press the NO -- Cancel Delete button. If you press YES, the user and all associated tokens are deleted from the administration database and a confirmation of your delete operation is displayed. If you press NO, you are returned to the Current Properties page.

procedure icon  To View Current Users

single-step bulletFrom the expanded navigation menu under Users, click the View Current link.

The View Current Users window is displayed, listing users who currently have active sessions.

Note - The list of users conforms to policies established with utpolicy, with which you can enable display of registered users, unregistered users, or both.

FIGURE 3-29 View Current Users Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

procedure icon  To Display a User's Current Properties

single-step bulletClick the Token ID or User Name hyperlink for the user.

The Current Properties page for the user is displayed (see FIGURE 3-27). It displays the information about the user contained in the administration database, including the user's current login status.

The possible states are:

For the last two states, the following fields are also displayed:

TABLE 3-3 Login Status Fields



Current Desktop/Last Desktop

Current/last DTU where the user is or was logged in.

Desktop Location

Location of the DTU.

Logged In Since/Logged Off At

Date and time the user logged in or off the DTU.

procedure icon  To Add a User

1. From the expanded menu under Users, click the Add User link.

The Add User window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-30 Add User Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

2. If you do not know the user's Token ID and have configured a token reader:

a. Insert the user's new card into the selected token reader.

b. Choose the selected token reader from the pull-down menu of available readers.

c. Press the Get Token ID button.

The application queries the token reader and, if successful, redisplays the form with the Token ID field filled out.

3. Enter data in the required fields.

4. Press the Add User button.

The user and associated token are created in the administration database.

Note - In releases prior to SRSS 3, access to the token card reader was limited to the server to which it was connected. In other words, you had to use the Admin GUI of that server. Beginning with SRSS 3.1, however, you can access the token card reader by invoking the Admin GUI of any server in the relevant failover group.

procedure icon  To View the User's Sessions

single-step bulletIf the user is currently logged in, view the user's session by clicking the View This User's Session button.

procedure icon  To Edit a User's Properties

1. From the user's Current Properties page, press the Edit Properties button.

The Edit User Properties page is displayed.

FIGURE 3-31 Edit User Properties Page

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

2. Make changes to any of the text boxes.

You can also add or remove tokens from a user at the same time.

3. When finished, press the Save Changes button.

The changes are saved to the administration database.

procedure icon  To Add a Token ID to a User's Properties

1. From the Edit User Properties page, type the new Token ID into the empty Token ID text field.

2. If you do not know the new Token ID and have configured a token reader:

a. Insert the user's new card into the selected token reader.

b. Choose the selected token reader from the pull-down menu of available readers.

c. Press the Get Token ID button.

The application queries the token reader and, if successful, redisplays the form with the Token ID text field filled out.

3. Check the Enabled checkbox next to the new Token ID.

4. Check the Add checkbox next to the new Token ID.

You can also make any other edits to the user at the same time.

5. Press the Save Changes button.

The changes are then added to the administration database.

procedure icon  To Delete a Token ID From a User's Properties

1. From the Edit User Properties page, check the Remove checkbox for any token IDs you want to remove.

2. Press the Save Changes button.

The changes are then added to the administration database.

procedure icon  To Enable or Disable a User's Token

1. From the Edit User Properties page, check the Enabled checkbox for any token IDs you want to enable.

2. Uncheck the Enabled checkbox for any token IDs you want to disable.

3. Press the Save Changes button.

The changes are saved to the administration database.

procedure icon  To Find a User

1. From the expanded menu under Users, click the Find link.

The Find User window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-32 Find User Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

2. Enter data in the required fields.

3. Press the Search button.

procedure icon  To Get a Token ID From a Token Reader

1. From the expanded Users menu, click the Get Token ID link.

The Get Token ID window is displayed.

FIGURE 3-33 Get Token ID Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

2. Insert the new card into the selected token reader.

3. Choose the selected token reader from the pull-down menu of available readers.

4. Press the Get Token ID button.

The application queries the token reader and redisplays the page with the Token ID field filled out.

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

Managing Sessions

A Sun Ray session is created when the user logs in to a Sun Ray DTU. The possible states for a Sun Ray session are shown in TABLE 3-4.

TABLE 3-4 Sun Ray Session States




A session is currently displayed on a DTU.


The session is waiting at the GDMlogin prompt.

procedure icon  To Find Sun Ray Sessions

1. From the navigation menu, click the expansion arrow for Sun Ray Sessions.

2. From the expanded navigation menu, click the Find Sun Ray Sessions link.

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

3. In the text fields, enter the User Name, Token ID, or Unix Login Name.

4. Click the Search button.

If you enter data in error, press the Clear button to clear entered data. The Sun Ray Sessions window is displayed with the Sun Ray search results.

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

procedure icon  To View Sun Ray Sessions

1. From the navigation menu, click the expansion arrow for Sun Ray Sessions.

2. From the expanded navigation menu, click the View by Server link.

Running sessions on the current server are displayed.

FIGURE 3-34 Sessions on Current Sun Ray Server Window

As usual, it is preferable to use the utadmin command rather than this visual display.

3. To change the state of any of the displayed sessions, use the Action pull-down menu button to display your choices.

There are three possible actions: None, Terminate, and Suspend.

4. To apply your changes, click the Apply button.