Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Administration Guide


Creates a new, empty profile.


create [--name=<profile name>] [--scope=<user|host>] [--entity=<entity>] [--priority=<priority>]

--name=<profile name> : the name of the profile to be created. If a profile with this name and this scope already exists at this layer, then the command exits with an error. If not specified, then the command defaults to the first profile name available in the series, for example, “NewProfile”, “NewProfile2”, “NewProfile3”, ...

--scope=<user|host> : the scope for the profile, which can be either user or host. If not specified, then the command defaults to the user scope.

--entity=<entity> : the element where the profile is created. If not specified, then the command defaults to root organization or domain element, depending on the --scope option.

--priority=<priority> : a strictly positive integer specifying the priority of the profile. If the priority specified is the same as that of an existing profile of this scope at this layer, then the priority option is ignored. If not specified, then the created profile will have the highest priority at this layer.

Example 3–2 Creating a new profile

% pgtool create --scope=host --name=NewHostProfile1

Creates a new profile called “NewHostProfile1” in the domain root and whose scope is “host”.