Sun Desktop Manager 1.0 Administration Guide


Assigns a profile to an element.


add [--scope=<user|host>] [--entity=<entity>] <profile name> <target entity>

--scope=<user|host> : the scope for the profile, which can be either user or host. If not specified, then defaults to the user scope.

--entity=<entity> : the element where the profile is located. If not specified, then defaults to root organization or domain element, depending on the --scope option.

<profile name> : the name of the profile to be assigned to the element. If no profile or more than one profile with this name and this scope can be found at this layer, then the command exits with an error.

<target entity> : the element to which the profile is assigned.

Example 3–1 Adding a profile to an element

% pgtool add UserProfile1 cn=Role1,o=staff,o=apoc

The profile “UserProfile1” located in root organization was assigned to the element “cn=Role1,o=staff,o=apoc”.