C H A P T E R  5


This chapter describes the procedure to upgrade from earlier versions of Sun Ray Server Software.

Topics in this chapter include:

Upgrading the Operating System

procedure icon  Upgrade the Operating System

Note - For complete instructions, please refer to the documentation provided with the latest version of the Solaris Operating System. This procedure may take several hours or more to complete.

1. Log in, or use the rlogin command to log in, as superuser of the Sun Ray server.

Tip - To avoid preserve script errors that can occur if user environment settings are carried forward, use the su command with one of the following arguments instead of using the command without arguments.

% su -

% su - root

2. Use NFS, FTP, or other means to copy the /var/tmp/SUNWut.upgrade/preserve_version.tar.gz
file, if it exists, to a safe location on another server.

3. Make a tape backup of the Sun Ray server’s file systems.

4. If you have run utpreserve, re-install or upgrade the operating system.

Make an “Entire Distribution” software group installation. Instructions are provided with the Solaris software.

If you have not run utpreserve, go to Step 6.

5. Use NFS, FTP, or other means to return the /var/tmp/SUNWut.upgrade/preserve_version.tar.gz
file to the Sun Ray server.

6. Selectively restore the file systems previously backed up.

7. Go to Upgrading the Sun Ray Server.

Upgrading the Sun Ray Server

procedure icon  Upgrade the Sun Ray Server

Tip - If you have already mounted the Sun Ray Server Software 4.0 CD-ROM locally or from a remote server, or if you have extracted the ESD files to an image directory, begin at Step 4.

1. As superuser, open a shell window on the Sun Ray server.

2. Use NFS, FTP, or other means to return the /var/tmp/SUNWut.upgrade/preserve_version.tar.gz
file to the Sun Ray server.

3. Insert the Sun Ray Server Software 4.0 CD-ROM.

If a file manager window opens, close it. The file manager CD-ROM window is not necessary for upgrade.

4. Change to the image directory. For example:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0

5. Upgrade Sun Ray Server Software:

# ./utinstall

Tip - Reboot the Sun Ray server when the utinstall script requests that you do so.

The utinstall script:

Note - Pre-2.0 releases of SRSS installed all locales by default. For upgrades, the SRSS 4.0 installation script automatically installs whatever locales were previously installed. For fresh installations, it asks about each locale in sequence. If you have installed en_US only, then later want to add one or more foreign locales, please refer to the Sun Ray Server Software 4.0 Release Notes for instructions.

Administration software

English man pages

Core software



Note - For a listing of utinstall error messages, see Error Messages for utinstall.

6. Run the utfwadm command to update the DTU firmware.

a. For dedicated interconnects, run:

# utfwadm -A -a -n all

b. For LAN subnetworks, run:

# utfwadm -A -a -N all

7. Run utfwsync:

# utfwsync -v

This step is required even for standalone servers.

8. See Configuration for instructions how to configure and reboot the Sun Ray server.

If other systems need a software upgrade, return to Preserving Configuration Data and repeat the tasks appropriate for each of those systems.