C H A P T E R  2


The Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS Version 2.0 requires Sun Ray Server Software 4.0 or later on any supported operating system.

TABLE 2-1 Supported Operating System Versions for the Sun Ray Connector

Operating System


SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

9 Service Pack 3

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server (RHEL AS)

4 Update 3

Solaris (SPARC and x86)

Solaris 10 11/06

Solaris Trusted Extensions (SPARC and x86)

Solaris 10 11/06

The Sun Ray Connector software must always be installed and configured on the primary data store server, otherwise Terminal Server licenses and printer configurations will not be stored. This is the case even if the primary data store server is not used to host Sun Ray sessions.

Additional installation requirements include:

Note - If you access terminal server functionality provided by Microsoft operating system products, you need to purchase additional licenses to use such products. Consult the license agreements for the Microsoft operating system products you are using to determine which licenses you must acquire. Currently, information regarding Terminal Services can be found in the following URL: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/howtobuy/licensing/ts2003.mspx

Installation Procedure (Solaris)

single-step bullet  Before running the installer, create a dedicated UNIX group for the sole use of the Sun Ray Connector.

# groupadd <group-name>

where group-name is the name you assign to this group. The first character of the name must be alphabetic. Do not add users to this group. Once you have created and named the group, follow the steps below to install the Sun Ray Connector.

If you have already mounted the Sun Ray Connector CD-ROM, locally or from a remote server, or extracted the ESD files to an image directory, begin at Step 4.

1. Open a shell window as superuser on the Sun Ray server.

To avoid installation script errors that can occur if user environment settings are carried forward, use one of the following commands for superuser login instead of using the su command without arguments:

% su -

% su - root

2. Insert the Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS CD-ROM.

If a File Manager window opens, close it. The File Manager CD-ROM window is not necessary for installation.

3. Change to the image directory, for example:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0

4. Install the Sun Ray Connector software.

# ./installer

The installer prompts for the name of the group you want to use for the Sun Ray Connector.

Enter the name of a pre-existing group for use by Sun Ray Connector:

5. Enter the name of the group you created for this purpose at the beginning of this procedure, as below, then press Enter or Return to continue.

Enter the name of a pre-existing group for use by Sun Ray Connector: group-name

6. Run the automatic configuration script.

# /opt/SUNWuttsc/sbin/uttscadm -c

The uttscadm script launches the SRWC proxy daemon uttscpd and adds an entry for uttscpd in the /etc/services file, using port 7014 as the default. uttscpd is described under Proxy Daemon.

7. Restart Sun Ray services if the script asks you to do so.

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utrestart

Note - It is not necessary to restart Sun Ray services if the uttscadm script does not ask you to do so.

Installation Procedure (Linux)

If you have already mounted the Sun Ray Connector CD-ROM locally or from a remote serve or extracted the ESD files to an image directory, begin at Step 4.

1. Open a shell window as superuser on the Sun Ray server.

To avoid installation script errors that can occur if user environment settings are carried forward, use one of the following commands for superuser login instead of using the su command without arguments:

% su -

% su - root

2. Insert the Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS CD-ROM.

If a File Manager window opens, close it. The File Manager CD-ROM window is not necessary for installation.

3. Change to the image directory, for example:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0

4. Install the Sun Ray Connector software.

# ./installer

5. Run the automatic configuration script.

# /opt/SUNWuttsc/sbin/uttscadm -c

The uttscadm script may prompt you for a path to the OpenSSL libraries.

6. Accept the default path, or supply a different path, if applicable.

7. Restart Sun Ray services if the script asks you to do so.

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utrestart

Note - It is not necessary to restart Sun Ray services if the uttscadm script does not ask you to do so.

Uninstallation Procedure

1. Before uninstalling the Sun Ray Connector, use the following command to unconfigure it:

# /opt/SUNWuttsc/sbin/uttscadm -u

On Solaris, the uttscpd entry is removed from the /etc/services file and the SRWC proxy daemon is stopped.

2. To remove the Sun Ray Connector software, type the following command:

# /opt/SUNWuttsc/sbin/uninstaller

3. Answer Y or N to the Accept (Y/N) prompt.

a. Answer N to leave the existing installation in place.


b. Answer Y to uninstall the old version of Sun Ray Connector software.

Upgrade Procedure

Note - To upgrade from an earlier version of the Sun Ray Connector, you must run the installer and the uttscadm configuration script, as described in this procedure.

1. Change to the image directory of the Sun Ray Connector CD-ROM, for example:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0

2. Install the Sun Ray Connector software.

# ./installer

The installer script indicates what Sun Ray Connector software is already installed on your system, for example:

Sun Ray Connector 1.1 is currently installed.
Do you want to uninstall it
and install Sun Ray Connector 2.0?
Accept (Y/N):

3. Answer Y or N to the Accept (Y/N) prompt.

a. Answer N to leave the existing installation in place.


b. Answer Y to uninstall the old version of Sun Ray Connector software. and install the newer version.

The existing Sun Ray data store is not removed or touched by the upgrade procedure.

4. Run the automatic configuration script again.

# /opt/SUNWuttsc/sbin/uttscadm -c