Installation and Configuration

Chapter 1 Setting up SRVC

Sun Ray Connector for VMware View Manager (SRVC) connects users of Sun Ray clients to Windows virtual machines via the VMware View Manager. It provides a Sun Ray kiosk session that allows users to connect to their virtual machines with their Active Directory user name and password. The user does not have to reenter their password at the Windows login screen.

System Requirements

A VMware virtualization environment:

A Sun Ray environment:

See the Related Documentation for more information.

Installing SRVC

    Install the Sun Ray Connector for VMware View Manager software on the Sun Ray server using the procedure below.

  1. Download the SRVC software to the Sun Ray server. The software can be found at

  2. Unzip the bits:

    $ unzip
  3. Become superuser:

    $ su
  4. Remove any previous installation of the software:

    # pkgrm SUNWkio-vdm
  5. Move to the srvc_1.1 folder, that was extracted from the zip file.

  6. Install the package for your architecture:


    # pkgadd -d Packages/Solaris_10+/i386/

    # pkgadd -d Packages/Solaris_10+/sparc/

Configuring the Sun Ray Server for SRVC

The following steps use the Sun Ray Software web administration to configure the Sun Ray server to present Windows desktops.

  1. Log into the SRS Admin GUI at http://<sun ray server>:1660 using the administrator user name and the password assigned during server setup.

  2. Click on the Advanced tab, and Kiosk Mode sub-tab. Then click Edit.

  3. Modify the session parameters. In the Sessions pull-down, select VMware View Manager Session.

    The arguments accepted are:

    -s <server>

    VMware View Connection Server hostname


    Use SSL connection to VMware View Connection Server (default)


    Do not use SSL connection to VMware View Connection Server

    -p <port number>

    VMware View Connection Server port number

    -t <seconds>

    The length of inactivity before the user is automatically logged out of the desktop selection dialog if no smart card is used.

    Default value is 3 minutes.


    Users are automatically forwarded to their desktop if there is only one desktop. This flag disables this behavior.

    -d <domain>

    This domain name will be preselected in the login screen, if available.

    -- <uttsc arguments>

    Options to be passed to the Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS. For detailed information on these options refer to the uttsc man page:

    $ man -M `pkginfo -r SUNWuttsc`/SUNWuttsc/man uttsc

  4. Instruct the server when to use Kiosk Mode for card and non-card users. Click on the System Policy sub-tab on the Advanced menu. In the dialog box, check the Enabled box for Kiosk Mode for both card and non-card users.

  5. Click Save when done.

  6. Restart the server:

    1. Click on the link in the message dialog to switch to the Servers tab.

    2. Select the server and click Cold Restart.

Configuring VMware View Connection Server

Some additional configuration of the VMware View Connection server may be required in order for SRVC to serve users their desktops.

Disabling Connection Tunneling

SRVC does not support tunneled connections to VMware provided virtual machines. To switch off connection tunneling:

  1. On the Configuration tab in the VMware View Connection Server web administration, select the server, and click Edit.

  2. Click on Direct Connection to Desktop in the pop-up screen.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

If SSL is not required, the following steps describe how to configure VMware View Manager so that SRVC can connect to it without using SSL.

  1. Configure VMware View Manager to accept non-SSL connections.

    1. Log into your VMware View Connection Server web administration, and click the Configurations tab.

    2. Edit the global settings to set Require SSL to Off.

    3. Deselect Require SSL on the pop-up screen.

Enabling SSL

The default SSL certificate that results from the VMware View Manager installation must be replaced in order to enable SRVC to connect to the system. The following steps assume that you have generated and stored a new certificate on the VMware View Connection server. Refer to VMware View Manager documentation for more details.

  1. Export the certificate from the keystore on the VMware View Connection server, using the command:

    # keytool -export -keystore keys.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -file vmware.cer
  2. Copy the vmware.cer file to the Sun Ray server.

  3. Import the certificate into a keystore on your Sun Ray server:

    # keytool -import -file vmware.cer -trustcacerts -v -keystore 
  4. Edit the kiosk script (/etc/opt/SUNWkio/sessions/vdm/vdm) and modify the line that begins with javaKeyStorePass= to include the password for the keystore.

  5. Restart the Sun Ray server via the Admin GUI.

Note –

The administrator may choose to import the certificate into the default keystore of the server's Java installation instead of following steps 3 and 4. If this is done, the kiosk script must be modified and all references to javaKeyStore and javaKeyStorePass should be removed.