Installation and Configuration

General Troubleshooting

Character input is not working with international keyboards. 


There are problems when typing some characters into Java 5 dialogs on Sun Ray. 


Install Java 6 on the Sun Ray server and modify the kiosk script to use Java 6 to execute the SRVC GUI. 

User not returned to SRVC login window, but instead loops at Windows login screen. 


The vdm-client.jar, after authenticating the user's credentials, starts the standard SRWC uttsc script. The uttsc script launches the uttsc binary in a loop which attempts to detect how and why the uttsc binary exited. If the uttsc binary exits with a 0 exit code, the uttsc script will attempt to restart it rather than exiting. This avoids unnecessary kiosk sessions teardowns/recreates. However, in the vdm case, this causes an error since the password provided originally by VDM is good for one login only and the user's normal user name and password cannot be used.


Remove the looping logic from the uttsc script and add it to the vdm script so that the vdm-client.jar is relaunched inside the existing Kiosk Session.