Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

Targetable Components

The presence of a <targetRef> element indicates that the component, once installed, can be used as a deployment target for other components. This targetability is achieved by associating a unique virtual host or physical host with each installed instance of the component.

By using targetable components, plans can logically target an installed component by targeting its associated host. Usually, a targetable component creates a virtual host. However, you can have the targetable component create a physical host, as well. A physical host is useful for models in which the associated host has its own remote agent. Such is the case for a component that models a SolarisTM Zone.

A component that defines a <targetRef> element is called a targetable component. When a targetable component is installed, it creates a host that serves as a deployment target for other components. When a targetable component is uninstalled, the host it created is automatically deleted. Such hosts still appear in the list of hosts on the Hosts page, but cannot be deleted and are restricted in the types of edits that can be made to them.