Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

<component> Element Overview

A component is enclosed within the <component> element. All versions of a component must have the same name and path. This element's attributes can reference component-scoped substitution variables.

Attributes for the <component> Element

The <component> element has the following attributes:

Except for installPath and limitToHostSet, component attributes are not inherited.

The installPath attribute is inherited and cannot be overridden by derived components. However, the base component can use component variables when specifying its value, and the value of these variables can be overridden.

The limitToHostSet attribute is inherited and can be overridden by derived components only if the base component did not specify limitToHostSet.

Because the limitToHostSet value names a mutable, user-managed entity, the relation of host set cannot be reasoned about in the same way as platforms.

The platform attribute is not inherited. However, the platform attribute value of a derived component can be no more general than that of the base component. If platform is not specified in a derived component, platform cannot be specified (or must be specified as any) in the base component.

Child Elements of the <component> Element

The <component> element has the following child elements, which must appear in the order shown. These child elements might have their own child elements, attributes, or both.