Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 XML Schema Reference Guide

<extends> Element

The <extends> element is an optional child of the <component> element. This element is used to declare the base component from which this component is derived. The base component cannot be final. If used, this element can only appear one time.

This component automatically inherits the attributes and elements of the base component. The component can selectively override certain aspects of the inherited data. Inheritance and override allowances are described by the description of the attribute or element.

A component is an instance of the component that it extends. A component is also an instance of the components that the base component is an instance of.

The <extends> element has one required child element, <type>, which specifies the base component. The <type> element must be used exactly one time per <component> element.

<type> Element

The <type> element names the base component type of this component. This element is a child of the <extends>, <componentRefList>, and <componentRef> elements.

The <type> element has one required attribute of type systemName, name, which is the name of the system type component that serves as the base type. If the specified type is one that is defined by a plug-in, pluginName must be prefixed to the type name, such as pluginName#typeName.